Chapter 7

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Oh god, why does he look so sexy even in what is his version of a maid outfit...

You watched the iconic scene of Levi opening the windows which had turned into countless memes. But it looked so much better in real life, as well as they somehow spoke English. It wasn't really hard for you to get used to the fact that you were in your favorite anime, it was kinda a very unrealistic dream come true, as well as the fact that you were now under the care of the one and only Levi and you spoke to Eren a few hours ago.

After cleaning the stables twice you walked towards the old castle which was now home to the special operations squad. And you.

You walked into the castle and looked around.

Wow, they sure did alot of cleaning while I was doing the stables...

You see a flight of stairs going to the second floor and walk up them, hoping to find Levi. You walk through the corridors slowly, looking around you at the now clean castle.

As you carry on walking down the corridor you see Eld dusting. You walked towards him but he didn't seem to of seen you.

"Hey Eld, have you seen the clean freak anywhere?", you said, seeming to surprise him.

"Oh, it's (y/n) right, if you mean Levi, he's down the hall in the last room.", he said. When you were starting to walk away he called you.

" Hey, (y/n). Is that whole thing about you being from another dimension or something true?", he asked you.

Without turning around you answered calmly. "Yeah, I'm from a world where there isn't any titans and you guys are just from a book, so basically I know some of your future...", You replied. You started walking away, but inside you felt terrible. You knew how they died and yet you were just speaking to them so casually, but you knew you couldn't tell them. It would mess up the balance of this world, if you told them, Eren could be taken, or maybe they would survive but then the story would be messed up. But you still felt like shit.

You hadn't noticed but you were already in front of the door to where Levi was, it was already open so you walked in, you saw Levi in his cleaning outfit and he turned around to look at you from the top of the ladder he was on. He had his eyebrows furrowed.

You felt butterflies fly around in your stomach. How the fuck is he so hot no matter what he does?

You regained your blank expression and just shouted up at him."I've cleaned the stables, twice."

He climbed down the ladder and walked towards you with his duster in his hand. When he got up to you he handed the duster to you and walked towards the door.

"Carry on here while I check the stables.", is all he said while he walked out the door.

Once he had left you started climbing up the ladder to the window still. When you got to the top you saw what looked like Petra and Oluo having a bickering contest and Gunther trying to break it up. You smiled because they looked like a bunch of kids fighting. But your smile soon faded when you remembered that they all died.

You knew you couldn't tell them, what if doing that meant that Eren was taken, and what if it didn't even do anything but just made them not want to fight. What if it messed up the whole Attack on Titan world. You so badly wanted to tell them, but you couldn't.

Suicidal Thoughts (Levi x Reader AoT)Where stories live. Discover now