Chapter 1

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A/N: A brand new book baby! Woooo!
I hate stories that have a shit ton of spelling and grammar mistakes so I'll try and keep those to a minimum in my book, lol.


In an alleyway

"Argh, shit" The ginger doll cursed. "Shit, shit shit"

The good guy doll, otherwise known as Chucky or Charles Lee Ray, sprinted undetected into a small alleyway to rest. He had been running for god knows how long, playing dead every time some stupid person would come strolling by. Being a doll did have its perks, for sure, (like not being suspected of any murder), but it was hell when he had to get from point A to point B. So he had been forced to resort to hiding out for a while.

Which is why he was in a alleyway, his chest heaving from the effort it took to run on those small, stumpy legs of his.

Angry and tired, he leaned against the tall brick wall of the alleyway- behind some metal garbage bins- and slid down it, eventually landing on his bum. His tattered clothes were worse now after the disaster he had just gone through to escape the evidence department at the police station. His supposed-to-be doll like face was twisted into a threatening scowl. He shook his head, trying to shake the droplets of water from his fake roots.

"Fuck, where the hell even am I?!" He forcefully whispered, his ginger head peeking around the alleyway to find any clues as to where he was. Signs, posters, shops, anything! But his search was fruitless, so he just leaned back up against the wall and sighed.

"Well, Charles, your father was right. I really would hit rock bottom some day." He spoke to himself with a bit of a scoff.

Then he heard some rustling coming from the other side of the bins.

Someone was coming.


"Hey, quit it!" Your friend chuckled, lightly nudging you with their elbow.

You and your best friend laughed and sang as you walked home from school, your bags hanging loosely over one shoulder. It was a repeated cycle that the pair of you would walk home together everyday after school, and today you were extra cheery because, to your luck, it was Friday.

And because it was Friday, you and your friend were too cheery to possibly care about the light shower of rain that trickled down your head and clothes. Instead you chose to ignore it.

Anyway, you were closing in on your friends house. It was only a few yards away. You always had to walk further than your friend because you lived a few blocks away from them, but you'd managed to find a secret short cut through a back alleyway that leads straight to your house.

"Goodbye, (Y/N)!" They yelled as they walked into the driveway of their small but homey house. You waved back, pulling your backpack higher up on your shoulder and setting off to your house. You skipped past about seven houses until you reached a small and narrow gap in between two of them. This is your shortcut.

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