Chapter 13

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A:N: so Sorry for the lack of chapters, I'm kinda swimming in schoolwork 🤷🏼‍♀️.


"Yeah, yeah. Fuck you." He insulted, shoeing away the weird thoughts his mind had and returning to his usual self. He regained his posture and looked over at you. You weren't looking at him-you were too busy driving. "Okay, if you're gonna fix me, we're gonna need some tools. Take a left at the next turning- I know a DIY shop not far from here."

You nod at his instructions, and begin your new journey to heal Chucky.


"So, this is it?" You asked, parking the car in one of the parking spaces. The car park was completely empty, with not a single other car in sight. Chucky had directed you here, so you didn't really want to question his directions.

If you had to describe the place in one word, it would be shady. The whole area looked run down, even the parking lot. The only thing that lit up in the darkened and isolated area (that was dark even though it was daytime) was the sign to the shop that Chucky was talking about. It looked like the sign a motel or youth hostel would have, or in other words very low quality.

The light up shop name said "DIY", but the 'Y' in it was flickering on and off, leaving only 'DI'. How cliched, you thought.

You stepped out of the car, beginning to walk to the shop when you heard Chucky's door opening. The ginger doll stepped out of the vehicle, but you rushed back over to him before he took another step.

"Woah. No, no no and no." You scolded, kneeling down in front of him, "You stay in the car. You're hurt, and walking around is going to make it worse."

"But-" he started. You cut him off, ushering him back into the vehicle.

"I insist, I'll be fine. I can look after myself." You assured him, closing the door once he was seated again. You gave him a thumbs ups from the other side of the door, then walked off. Chucky was left there, completely dumbfounded, having no idea that you actually cared about him at all. He thought everything you'd done so far was to save yourself because you feared him...but obviously not.

You, on the other hand, felt guilty. You were the one that stabbed him, after all, so the least you could do is try and help him. That was all you could think about as you entered the shop, the door bell chiming to signal your entrance.

"Hello, my lady." A man greeted. You whipped your head around to the source of the voice to see a man in his late sixties working the register. He'd just appeared out of nowhere. He had a long grey beard that was braided on one side, and dark brown eyes. His hair was thin and greasy, and his white T-shirt was stained and sweaty. The toothy grin he was flashing you was quite disgusting as it showed off his yellow tinted teeth. He was making you uncomfortable, and you were getting nothing but bad vibes from him.

"Uh...hi there." You mumbled, walking out of his sight around an isle. You looked around to find that you were in the glitter and pom-pom section, feeling stupid for being so scared and jumpy. This man hadn't done anything to you, so why judge a book by its cover?

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