Chapter 17

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"Now stop stallin' and just get this over with." Chucky ordered. You nervously gave a thumbs up, pulling out all the needed tools out of your back trouser pocket.

Chucky's eyes looked deranged and sickened at the sight of the tools set up in front of him. He took a deep breathe that was not reassuring to you at all. You were beginning to get shaky as you reached out for the needle and thread. He was still standing at this point.

"Okay Chucky, you'll have to sit down for this you know." You said politely. He mumbled something and slowly sat down on the edge of the table. You looked awkwardly toward him, before practically whispering, "uh, you're gonna need to take your overalls off."

He looked at you incredulously, but the seriousness on your face told him not to argue against it. There was no point anyway- you couldn't perform surgery with his clothes still on. So he growled in discomfort and unbuttoned the red buttons at the front of his overalls, and the clothing dropped to his waist. He then proceeded to grab the bottom of his shirt and pull it over his head, but halfway through he let out a painful screech.

"Son of a bitch!" He yelled in fustration. You kept your cool. It was clear that the wound was getting worse, and moving the muscle was probably opening it up more, and possibly even tearing it.

"Here, let me do it." You offered kindly. You reached out, and the doll looked resistant and growly, but he calmed himself down by looking into your calm and collected eyes. You gently grabbed the multicoloured stripped tshirt and began pulling it up. It was easy to get his arms out, but the shirt had stuck to the wound with dried blood.

He looked at you uncomfortably. "What's the hold up?"

"I...I don't want to hurt you" you mumbled. He looked down at the problem, and he was quite astonished by how much he had actually bled. Enough to soak his tshirt.

"It's too fucking late for that, you've already stabbed me. Look, it off, okay? And do it fast." He ordered, clenching his fist and scrunching his eyes up. You really didn't want to do this, but you had no choice, so you steadied yourself, counted down, and then pulled up harshly. There was a disgusting tearing sound that made you cringe, and Chucky let out a drowsy moan of displeasure.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry!" You apologised dramatically as you held the bloody shirt in your hands. At least it was removed now. Chucky on the other hand seemed panicked by something. At first, you thought it was the wound that was beginning to slowly ooze out Crimson blood as it had been reopened now, but he was staring at his half exposed body. You stared at it, noticing he actually had nipples and a belly button. For some reason, it was that that was freaking him out for an unknown reason to you.

"Shit!" He swore, "I'm turning more human! (Y/N), you need to do this fast before I turn completely human!"

"What? What will happen once you do?"

"I'll be able to feel pain like a normal person. In other words, this'll hurt like a bitch!" He explained, referring to the risky operation he was about to undergo. You started sweating, hands shaking too, as you grabbed the needle from the table and a long line of thread. You didn't have scissors, so you used the small knife that Chucky had placed on the table when he took off his overalls.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" You asked carefully as Chucky laid down on the cement table. You took off your jacket and rolled it up into a ball. With your other hand you slid your hand under Chucky's head and gently lifted it, slotting the rolled up jacket underneath to act as a pillow.

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