Chapter 5

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"You're awake" you finally said, breaking the silence. Chucky didn't even open his mouth, he just tugged uncomfortably at the ropes that were itching his skin that was turning more human. You dared to walk closer, but the ginger doll still did nothing. You were standing about half a meter away from him now.

Then the doll remembered...didn't he have a spare pocket knife in the back of his overalls? He'd completely forgot when he got here, but he didn't regret trying to get a bigger knife. The pocket knife certainly wasn't enough to kill you...the blade is small and a little blunt from use, but it was enough to injure you. At least then he could try and escape.

He watched you blankly stand over him as one of his hands sneakily reached into the back pocket of his overalls. He was shocked to find nothing, and trying not to show any signs of stress, he just shifted on his feet in front of you. Unfortunately for him, you'd noticed his little action already.

"Looking for this?" You asked softly, taking a folded pocket knife out of your side pocket. You dangled it close to Chucky's face, and as much as he tried to hold himself back, he ended up growling and attempting to snatch it from you. Of course, the ropes prevented him from doing so, and you pulled the knife away just in case.

That was when Chucky lost it. He growled and snapped out animalistically, tugging and pulling on the ropes with all his might, jumping and struggling like a worm on a frying pan.

"You little bitch!" He cursed, very unexpected to you.

You flinched, but didn't back away, because you knew you had the upper hand here. Instead you silently watched as the little guest wore himself out of breathe. He ended up on his hands and knees, his back arched and panting for air. His ginger locks were hanging in front of his face.

"Please stop struggling. You're going to hurt yourself." You suggested, trying to help him out. You could hear him snarl at you through his heaving, and he lifted his head up ever so slightly to reveal his dark angered eyes where his hair parted.

"I'm...gonna" he threatened through pants. His voice alone gave you the chills, and that sentence almost made your knees buckle underneath you. But you managed to stay calm, reminding yourself that in this state he can't do anything physically to you. His words could still scare you just as much, which is why you chose to ignore them.

A part of you was angry at him, and just wanted to get rid of him then and there, but you couldn't lower yourself to his level (metaphorically speaking). Plus, that wouldn't answer any of the questions that your mind was flooded with, and you couldn't live knowing that they would be unanswered. The only choice was to try and help him, no matter how rude he was.

"Chucky" you said boldly, your spine shivering slightly as he looked directly at you. You almost forgot what you were doing. "I'm not going to hurt you"

Low chuckles emitted from the dolls thin lips that slowly turned into howling laughter. You could see small childlike teeth that gave him an even creepier appearance as he laughed. Then it came to a sudden stop. "Like I'm scared of you." He spat, trying to get up onto his feet to look more intimidating, but just falling back down when they buckled uselessly.

You ignored his biting words, calmly kneeling down on one knee in front of him. His eyes scanned you, and for a split second your quick movements alarmed him. He even backed up a bit.

"I...brought some water for you. I figured your head is probably hurting pretty bad." You said kindly, despite his attitude to you thus far, and outstretched an arm towards him. His intense blue eyes trailed down to a glass that you held in one of your hands. He looked between you and the plastic cup.

"Are you going to take it?" You egged on. Chucky squinted at you, and you smiled despite yourself. "No, I didn't poison it or anything. But I did make sure to bring plastic cup not glass, just in case you try anything funny."

As much as Chucky didn't want to accept anything from you, his human needs was stronger than his pride at the moment. So, with a light sigh, he reached out and took the cup in two hands. Even though it wasn't a time to laugh, it was pretty funny to see how wrong the proportions were between the cup and the doll. The plastic cup looked huge in his small stubby hands, but you didn't laugh out loud. You couldn't anger him now that he was cooling down.

He refused to look at you as he silently took a small sip from the cup, accidentally sighing out loud in delight as he felt the water dampen his dry, burning throat. Great. The last thing he wanted was for you to know that you actually helped him out, but now it was too late for that.

"What happened to me?" He asked with irritation, and you bit your bottom lip in guilt.

"I panicked and knocked you out with a guitar." You said quitely. He scowled in a fit of rage, rubbing his aching head. He couldn't really argue with you on that. After all, his intentions towards you were much worse- he was trying to kill you. So he just took another sip of the water you gave him.

He was so distracted by the cup to notice that you were stretching a hand out to his face. You wanted to check how hot his forehead was after that blow to the head. He caught on just in time, snapping out with his teeth. If it weren't for your fast thinking, he would've bitten you. He dropped the now empty cup to the floor, finally able to get up onto his feet. He actually scared you for a second, now being eye level with your crouching figure.

"Don't push me" he growled, staring darkly at you. You frowned, and with a bit of anger you stood up like Chucky did. The doll was quickly reminded of who was in control here as you stood over him. How he despised being short.

"Are you going to co-operate, or do I have to put a sock in your mouth?" You threatened, a burst of confidence coming out of nowhere. The small killer was fuming, flashing you his set of teeth as he snarled at you. You had some sort of angry stare off for a while, your (E/C) eyes burning into his blue ones. He was the first to break away.

"Fine. I'll talk" he muttered, and you grinned triumphantly.

You came a little closer to him, sitting down with your legs crossed inches away from him. He stayed standing, awaiting something to come from that stupid little smile of yours. But nothing came. You just kept staring him up and down, making him uncomfortable.

"For fucks sake, are you going to ask or are you gonna keep swooning over my midget body?" He asked roughly, causing you to jump and blush out of embarrassment.

"I wasn't 'swooning', you freak, I was just observing." You argued. The doll rolled his eyes, thankful he's gained back a little bit of his control now that he'd found your weak spot. Now that he knew he wanted to pry more.

"Yeah, and I'm sure you'd love to 'observe' what's in my pants too, huh?"

You frowned and gave him a disgusted face. "What the hell is your problem?"
He was smiling then, and it angered you to no end. But then you thought of something, smirking at him. "I would never want to observe your pants anyway."

His smile was wiped away. "Yeah? Why's that?"

"Because there's nothing in there to observe." You said slyly. He scowled, tugging violently at the ropes.

"How fucking dare you!" He snaps, but you didn't flinch this time. You just watched until he stopped resisting against the ropes. Once he was done with his little performance, he looked at you with a defeated frown. He sighed nasally and looked away from you.

"Fine. Let's just get this over with" he mumbled, referring to the questions you were aching to ask.

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