Chapter 2

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You walked up to the driveway of your house, now feeling quite drained from the previous events that just took place. Being scared by a doll isn't really the bravest thing a person can do.

Anyway, with the freakish doll tucked under your arms, out of sight, you approached the front door of your house. You refused to look even once at the glassy eyes of the toy as you fiddled with your keys to open the door. You could actually feel them looking at you, judging you. But you shrugged it off as your imagination.

"Welcome home, I guess..." You welcomed awkwardly. Of course, there was no reply from the doll. "I guess I'll take you to my room."

To get to your room, you had to pass through the kitchen downstairs, so inevitably, that's what you did. As the doll was tucked backwards under your arm, you couldn't see its eyes dilate at the sight of clean, shiny knifes that were hung up on the wall above the counter.

"Well, here we are..." You paused, realising he didn't have a name yet. "Uhh, what's your name anyway?"

In all honesty, you really didn't expect it to actually answer. So when it did, it managed to give you a mini heart attack for the third time today.

"Hi, I'm Chucky! And I'm your friend till the end! Hidey-Ho, ha ha ha!" It greeted. You held your chest, staring wide eyed at him.

"Gah! Well Chucky, I'll never get used to that random talking of yours." You speak honestly. Then you give the doll a weird glance, one that makes him uncomfortable. Not that you know that.

You were thinking, perhaps if you took the batteries of of it, there wouldn't be any more 'jumpscares'. You debated with yourself momentarily, deciding it was okay to do so. It's not like the doll would know what you are doing. So you reached across and carefully lifted him up, inspecting him for any entrance to the battery box. You spotted Velcro straps on his back.

"Bingo" you muttered, reaching a free hand out to open it. You ran a gentle finger inside the entrance to feel his 'skin' underneath. You were surprised to come in contact with realistic feeling skin, not the cheap plastic stuff. Then you pulled your fingers out and reached out again to open the straps this time, but you didn't even make it there before the dolls head twisted 180 to face you with intense eyes.

"A little privacy, please!" He chirped in that childish tone, scaring the hell out of you for the one hundredth time today.

"GAH!" You boomed jumping backwards into the air. In the motion your hands lost grip of the toy, sending him plummeting to the ground. You were also falling, at it took a second to realise it. Both you and the doll came into heavy contact with the floor at the same time.

"FUCK!" You yelled as you hit the floor.


...That wasn't you.

And you knew it wasn't you. The voice was rough and gravely, and it was definitely something that would come from a full grown man. You looked scarcely at the doll; the only one in the room that could be to blame. But, of course, that was impossible. It wasn't real, and it was just laying there on its side.

"Well, that was weird" you mumbled, getting up from the floor and lifting up your new, quite frankly scary, doll. "I could've sworn I heard another voice."

You placed the doll on your soft bed, and it practically sunk into the endless layers of fluff. He was falling on a slant, so you leaned him up on a pillow that was slanted on the bed post. You had no idea why you went through so much effort to make the toy look comfy, and your attempts made you giggle out loud, the tension of before rinsing away.

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