I am a tomato

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I am a very unsocial person. I love to sit at the very far cornered table during lunch, with my novel in my hand, ignoring every human being in the room.
I always loved being like this.

Me being the typical nerd, not starting a conversation with anyone until it is a life or death situation, well except for my best friend.

Well, Why am I telling all this?

Because today my anti-social bubble has been popped, by my so called best friend and I am being dragged here in the middle of the lunch room to sit on the most centralised table with her and her boyfriend AND her boyfriend's best friends.

And why didn't I just say NO to her?

Well being my best friend she knows my weakness.
1) Puppy dog eyes
2) Nutella
and in this case she used both of them on me.
So now I am sitting here in the middle of the lunchroom with every single person and even the lunch lady looking at me with wide eyes. On my left, my best friend and her boyfriend holding hands and feeding each other which I think is pretty difficult in the situation.

Ethan's and Hunter's two other best friends Kyle and Brody to my right and I am in the middle of them, holding a jar of Nutella in my hands.
Kyle and Brody are looking intently at me and Nutella back and forth.

I don't blame them, it's not everyday that the school's nerd come sit with them holding a Nutella jar like her life depends on it. Looking at them now makes me wonder, they both are sexy in there own way.

Kyle has golden hair and hazel eyes, with lean and fit body. He doesn't really talk to many people except for his three best friends whereas Brody looks like a total wrestler, well I have heard he has won some boxing championships so that explains it. He has brown hair and his eyes are so beautiful hazel colour.

I never really noticed them both from this closely before. These four guys could easily be models, they have such different personalities and built, yet they all are best friends.

Ethan being the kind sweet one who gets along with everyone, no doubt everyone in school loves him, Kyle being the quite mysterious one, Brody usually spends his day in gym I think and Hunter....speaking of which, I haven't seen Hunter all day, I think he is not in school today, I don't know why I cared?

He is probably getting laid somewhere.

"Hey" Kyle said smiling. Did he talk to me first?
"H-hi" Why was I nervous? Kyle can be intermediating.

" You are Danny right?" Said Brody which shocked me that they could literally see my mouth hanging open.

a) They know my name
And b) They know my nickname.

It was hard to process through this situation right here.
I don't trust my mouth so I just nodded.

"You are really cute." Said Kyle this time showing his pearly white teeth and amazing smile.


Wait. He said I am cute?


What should I say now? Thank you? I mean he just complimented me right?
"Um I, Thanks Kyle" I knew I should have paid more attention to those personality devolopment classes.

"And you don't know how to flirt back, just awesome darling." Now he was smiling mischievously at me.

I think I should just start looking for a big rock to roll under, there is not one reason for me to live in front of human beings anyway.

I mean, my love from childhood is probably going to marry that red head cheerleader, Jasmine is already making my life hell, I have to wear glasses which is apparently my name now, Hunter is a douche, my brother is useless, and one of the school's hottest guy thinks I have no romantic skills what so ever.

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