I love your Handwriting

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I am not a thief.

I can never be a thief.

Even if someone pays me to break in into someone's place without letting anyone know or making any noise, I would probably get scared of my own shadow or would call the cops on myself.

So when I thought about slipping into Hunter's room and quote that 'without anyone noticing', I have to put this note and this ticket on his bed side's table, I knew I was planning my own death wish.

Now the problem is,

I am a pretty small person.

I am hardly a 5'4''.

And believe me when I say this that I face difficulties in reaching to the top most cabinet of the kitchen, to get my rainbow skittles, when Damien put them there to tease me.

I am looking at his window. It was half open. I think it got stuck there or something. I am standing at my window, trying to figure out if I have some supernatural powers like flying or may be a body of rubber like that Elastigirl in 'The Incredibles'.

Seriously anything would have worked. But I just had to born like old plane Danny.

The window is more then half my height away.
Come on Danny it's not that far. You can do it.

But how do I do it?

Should I jump?

Should I climb?

I am holding the note and the ticket in my hand. I just hope they don't fall off.

I tried throwing them through his window but throwing them alone would only make them fall off flowing down like a kite, and I don't have anything to tie them to in my room, except for my vans, my phone or my laptop and I really don't want to throw them.

I also tried my paper plane making skills but the numerous crashed paper plane in between the alley of our houses is telling me that it's not probably a good Idea.

I just hope I don't fall. I won't die, I think, but would probably break a bone or two.

And then I can kiss goodbye to school and my chances with meeting Jake and becoming the love of his life will flow down the gutter.

So I climbed out of my window. I am thinking if I try I'll be able to grab a hold of his window and then I can easily climb in.

I tried to grab onto the window's wooden ceiling.

Alright it's far.

It's really hard.

I am too small.

How does Hunter do this?

Yup. He is 6 feet and it seemed like such an easy task for him, but I can't give up.

I clutched the note and the ticket in my left hand and with my right hand I tried to even touch the damn window.

Finally I got hold of the window and then I put my left hand onto the ceiling, still holding the note and the tickets.

Please don't fall. Please don't fall.

So now I am holding onto Hunter's bedroom window with both of my hands and my legs upto my knees are on my window, inside my room and my middle body is hanging in the air.


I don't know what to do next.
I didn't plan this part.

And I can't even rely on my athletic skills because I don't have any.

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