I am going to Yemen

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I am feeling like someone is choking me. Like someone is holding my neck really tightly and then asking me to whistle.

My intestines are in a tight knot. The butterflies in my stomach can escape any moment now.

My palms are sweaty.

My mouth is dry.

No. I am not ill.

I just told a guy I love him and he is looking at me with a baffled expression.

Seriously what am I supposed to understand with it?

He loves me?

He hates me?

He thinks I am insane or something?

What? Hunter? Say something?

I am just scared that he will laugh at my face and tell me how stupid I am to even think that a guy like him, would ever fall for a girl like me.

If this happens I swear I am going to move to Yamen or something.

"Um Hunter? Kind of feeling anxious here?" I said in a very questionable way.

This is my very first time doing this kind of stuff and I am not really sure of what to say or do in a situation like this.

Hunter is looking at me like I am a ghost or something. I am mentally preparing myself for the worst scenario.

Him laughing on my face and climbing out of my room.

I took a really deep breath because the current situation is making it hard for me to breathe properly.

"Hunter please say something." By now my lips have started shaking. If he didn't say anything in five minutes, I am pretty sure I will start crying.

He signed deeply. He looked down at his lap. I stare at him cautiously. He eyes are crystal like. His lashes are a bit wet. I think I know what he is going to say.

"Danny, I love you." What?
My mouth fell open. Like these were the only words I wanted to hear my entire life.

Danny, I love you. I as in Hunter, Love as in LOVE, You as in me, Me! Danny! Oh my-

"But" Oh god. There's a but? I know what but means?

Meaning of but: used to introduce a phrase or clause contrasting with what has already been mentioned.

No. I don't want a but. My mouth is open and I want to beg Hunter not to continue. But I know that I will have to listen and understand to what he is going to say.

"As a friend." Friendzoned.

The word that instantly came to my mind. The word that most of the people go through life, the word that I have gone through most of the time.

Age 5

"I like you. You are so cute." I told a guy in the playground. We both played together everyday and he even helped and pushed my swing too. How could I not like him?
I was holding my blue flowy dress and was looking down. Blushing a little bit.

"I like you too." He said. He was wearing his cute little black t-shirt and white shorts. He looked at me with the cutest smile in the world. "You are my best friend." He said and ran away playing with his other friends. He didn't have to say back then, but I knew what he meant.

'I like you, as a friend.' The first encounter of me being friendzoned. I never thought I would encounter it again until,

Age 15

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