Explode like a volcano

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53 – Oak Street

Short and cute.

I thought as I looked at the name plate.

The house was also pretty normal but for me it was my dreamland.

I never knew I'll be standing here in front of Jake's house, it was my dream to be here one day, well I also wanted, Jake to get down on one knee and propose to me on a cruise in front of my entire family. Well, at least my cup is half full or half empty? Am I way too excited? It's just tutoring afterall. We are not on a date or something.

This dropped my mood.
Just great.

I rang the doorbell and after a minute or two, Jake opened the door. He is also wearing the same outfit from before, a sky blue shirt with light rugged jeans and converse and his hair, always messed up in that cute way.

I never get guys and their messy hair styles. They all look the same and at the same time totally different, while Jake's look cute and Kyle's look totally mysterious but Hunter's look so sexy.

His jet black hair looks so soft and dense, Now I want to touch Hunter's hair.

Even his stupid hair is sexy.

I looked ahead and Jake gave me the sweetest smile possible. Talk about melting heart.

"For a second I thought you're not coming" He said. Wouldn't miss it for the world.

"I am so sorry, my brother bailed on me." I said looking in his ocean blue eyes. Tell me again why aren't we kissing already?

"Oh god, so you walked here? I am so sorry Danny, you could have told me before-"
"It's alrig-" I tried to say between his rambling. "I could have come down to pick you up-"
"Jak-" "Oh yeah how could you tell me? We don't even have each other's numbers"

Say what?

"Yeah Jake. We don't have each other's numbers." Can you see the devils' horns on my head?

"Here" he put his hands in his pocket and bring out his phone. "Please save your number in it."

I looked at the phone like a little girl looks at a lollipop. I took the phone taking extra care so my shaky hands don't drop it and saved my number.

Daniella Jones.

I clicked save.


"Oh Jake, I love you too, I have always loved you, Jake." I said looking into his dreamy eyes. We were holding hands sitting on his comfortable couch.

"Danny, I was so wrong, being with Chelsa? What was I thinking? I am so sorry, but now I know you are the only one for me. I love you Danny."


"I love you too Jake." I said and he moved closer to me as he looked at my lips. "I waited so long for this Danny." I closed my eyes and....

"Danny...Danny?" I opened my eyes to look at Jake who was looking at me and he was very confused.

I think I got carried away with my imaginations.

God I so wanted that to be true and I don't even care how pathetic I sound right now.

We were sitting in Jake's living room. It's pretty decent looking, with Jake on my right and a book on his legs. "Sorry I was thinking about the answer to the question I gave you." He nodded his head believing me.

I was an inch close to making him believe I am a lunatic.

I looked at the question he was working on, his handwriting is somewhat child like, he was now furrowing his eyebrows.

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