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Cara's heart pounds in her chest as she sizes up the angry man stalking towards her. She realizes the gravity of her mistake and makes a desperate decision to flee, leaving the cash behind. But her escape is cut short as Alex scoops her up and carries her on his shoulders, ignoring her protest and the constant blows she gives to his lower back.

"Let me down!"

As they march past the crowd and into the building, Cara's fury boils over. She screams and kicks until the door slams shut, leaving her alone with the man who has captured her.

"Hands off the merchandise, pervert," she shoves his arms off her butt, as he lets her down. Cara takes two steps back.

With each passing second, Cara's initial rush of adrenaline fades, leaving her with a sinking feeling of regret. She acted impulsively, like the protagonist in a movie who rushes toward danger without thinking of the consequences. In Cara's case, claim you are pregnant for one of the most talked-about celebrities at the moment.

In the real world, her actions have landed her in a precarious situation with a man who looks like he could crush her with a single blow.

She is screwed.

Cara's heart races as she sizes up the angry monster blocking her escape. She scans the room for options, her mind conjuring up a wild action sequence with an intense, adrenaline-fueled soundtrack. With a smirk on her face, she knows what she has to do.

Is it practical? No, but she knows.

She sidles up to the two massive guards, who look like they can bench press a car and gives them a confident grin. They tower over her, but she doesn't flinch. She knows what she's capable of.

She has had her fair share of bar fights that prepared her for this moment.

In one swift motion, she pushes the guards aside and makes a break for it. She feels like a true action hero as she sprints towards the door, dodging obstacles and laughing in exhilaration.

But just as she thinks she has it made, two lions appear out of nowhere and block her path. Cara's eyes widen, but she doesn't lose her cool. Instead, she channels her inner badass and charges toward the beasts with a fierce determination to take them down.

As she lunges towards the lions, her mind floods with a colorful barrage of curse words. "Dickheads! Fucktards! Shit brains!" She even lets out a nonsensical string of syllables, "gsjaoakhsh," For a few years to come, no one would know what that means.

Like every action star, they suffer setbacks that lead to the climax. Our heroine, Cara, suffers her very own setback, as the lions push her back to the angry monster while she is yelling all kinds of profanities at them.

Not her favorite moment.

Cara finds herself standing before Alexander once again, back right where she started. His eyes dart over her delicate features but linger on her piercing blue gaze. As much as he can't deny her beauty, he's convinced she's escaped from a loony bin.

Desperate to escape the mess she's made, Cara puts on her best puppy dog eyes. She blinks slowly, pouting her lower lip and biting her upper lip, hoping to appear cute.

"Hey," Cara continues to blink, adding a slight wave to her awkward performance. She feels utterly ridiculous, but she's willing to try anything to get out of trouble.

Alexander stares at her intensely, his hands buried deep in his grey suit pockets. He looks like he's trying to crack a code, or maybe just control his mounting anger.

Stuck Up Meets Crazy. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now