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Palms sweaty, feet tapping on the wooden floor slowly, making squeaking noises, heart racing, thoughts wandering but above all these traits of nervousness, Cara's heart is in the right place. She stood in front of Jim's door with her right fist curved into a ball as she considers knocking.

She wishes someone can come and save her from all of this but then Cara doesn't believe in the knight and shining amour bullshit. She realized all clichés are a joke after she lost her virginity to Jax at the back of his car at a camping trip in high school, only for him to tell all his crew about it and soon everyone in Redwood Prep started talking about it. Plus, Cara's forever knight and shining armor, Martin Green, is dead.

Upon all the bad break up's Cara has been through, she still believes in love but not fairy tales, she believes in the love her dad and mum shared and she can't wait to experience it. Maybe that's why Jerky Jax and all other assholes were able to fuck with her heart but they don't usually get away with it. Cara's ex-boyfriend, Lionel, barely escaped the relationship with his legs after Cara ran him over with her bike (Another reason she loves her bike). Jerky Jax got kneed in the area where the sun doesn't shine and got his head stuffed into a toilet.

Sadly no one saves Cara because she finally has to knock after minutes of stalling and that she did. A light knock as her balled fist comes in contact with the wooden door and a much louder knock the second time.

"Come in," Jim yells from inside. Cara takes a deep breath before twisting the doorknob with the hand right hand which she releases from its balled position.

Cara walks slowly into the poorly dimed office, the wooden floor makes annoying squawking noises as she moves closer to this small wooden table which Jim places strategically in the middle of the room. With all the money Jim has from bets and pimping girls out, he is known to be a selfish man, even to himself. It is no surprise that the blue paint color is already peeling away, the place dirty, the fan poorly functioning and the environment feels suffocating. Cara wants to throw up, standing here is unsettling for her stomach, nervousness and the nauseating environment is a mixture that does no to well.

"What? Have the drink finished in the bar?" Jim yells, such a loud voice for a short man. Cara only ever comes here when the drinks need to be restocked or when she wants to collect her salary. Never in a million years did Cara think that she will be before Jerky Jim offering herself.

"No," Cara can end this but ending this means ending her mum's chances for surgery.

"Then what hot stuff?" Jim gets down from his chair, with an idea in his head of why Cara was standing before nervous. Jim has witnessed a lot of young ladies come to him nervous when they are about to offer themselves and Cara is not any different but he wants to hear her say it.

Cara tries not to puke in her mouth as he comes closer to her, urging her to say the words.

"I-I wan-want..." Cara stops, clears her throat and tries speaking again. "I want to ask if the other part of this job is available." That is all Jim needs to hear before he begins to smile like the creep that he is.

All Jim can think of is the money Cara is going to make him, his customers had seen Cara over the counter a couple of times and offered a ridiculous amount of money to take her back to their hotel but Cara had refused. Jim never thought Cara would be the one in front of him with his offer, he thinks she is strong-willed and stubborn but Jim isn't going to sit her down and advise her like a father, he is lucky that she before him now and he won't ruin it.

Cara can't believe she uttered those words, the smug on his face disgusts her him. To make it worse and uncomfortable, she feels the middle-aged man grab her butt with her smirk on his face.

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