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"Say something," Cassie whispers after offloading her past to Xavier.  He has been quiet through it all and this is unsettling for her.

Xavier raises his head and looks at her, "Thank you for sharing." He says in a low tone.

Cassie nods, trying to process his reply, and then she pauses for a second before she shakes her head, "Is that all you want to say?"

"I mean, no one is perfect. I am definitely not."

She shakes her head in denial that someone can actually accept all she has told him easily. "You are just saying what you think I want to hear."

"No, because I know I am not a saint. I have slept with hundreds of girls, given them a good time. I probably should have gotten my money's worth." Xavier jokes.

Noticing the frown still on Cassie's face, "Sorry, bad joke." He says immediately. "Look my past hasn't been pretty either, drugs, gambling, anything you can name of. I am not going to judge you.  You are not perfect, neither am I but we are perfect together."

Cassie tries to maintain a straight face but she can't. She bursts into laughter.

Xavier smiles, "What?"

"You are so corny," Cassie says.

They both burst into laughter, suddenly Cassie stops laughing.

"We can't do this?" Cassie mutters.

"I don't understand." Xavier's smile drops.

"Us, this, I can't."

Xavier tries to make words but he can't, he just keeps on looking at her.

"The way you are looking at me right now-" Cassie says nervously as she avoids eye contact.

"I see this beautiful, amazing woman-"

"Well, I see a whore." Cassie burst out.

The room falls silent, Xavier tries to take her hands into his, she reluctantly gives it.

"Then you will have to look through my eyes. I will constantly remind you how amazing you are."

Cassie shakes her head, "It won't be healthy. When we break up-"

"When? Nice choice of word." Xavier scoffs.

"I don't want to rely on someone to see myself differently. I need to work on me and I believe you need to work on yourself too. I don't want to be the reason you go back to your old life."

Xavier trying to understand what's happening, he is in shock. "I don't understand. We have barely started dating."

"I thought I could do it. I thought I could ignore my past but clearly I can't." Cassie pauses, "I don't want to hurt you."

Xavier drops her hands in anger as he stands up, "This is bullshit. Something good is finally happening in your life and you are trying to self-sabotage. Telling me you don't want to hurt me? News flash, I am hurt."

Xavier picks up his jacket and walks out in anger.

"Xavier!" Cassie calls out.


Xander looks up from his newspaper staring at his brother walking into the dining room. "You don't look good." Xander comments.

"Coming from a guy who slept in a car," Xavier retorts as he takes his seat.

Xander drops his newspaper, "Did you-"

Xavier interrupts, "Drink, get high? No,"

"You drove off last night."

Stuck Up Meets Crazy. [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt