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"Sam is diabetic, right?"  Xavier trails off making Cara look up from her phone to his direction, "That must have been hard for a bartender..."  

Before Xavier can finish his sentence Cara already knows where he is heading to, "Nice try, I don't give out information that easily." Cara rolls her eyes resuming to her scrolling on Instagram. This isn't the first time this week that Xavier has been stylishly trying to drain information from her and every time Cara doesn't give any.

Cara can see the Xavier really cares for Cassie but she is not going to push her friend into something she is not ready for just because she personally thinks they will be cute together.

"I wasn't fishing for information." Xavier denies.


"Look who is back," Xavier says turning his head towards the direction of the sitting room's entrance once he hears Xander walk in.

"Hey," Xander says loosening his tie as he takes a seat beside Cara.

"How was your meeting with...?" Cara stops trying to recall the name that Xander had mentioned yesterday.

"It was as awkward as expected. Liza was there." He faces Cara to see her reaction.

"Of course, she was." Cara scoffs in annoyance. For an ex, she sure is around a lot.

"Charlie is planning on investing again but I will try other investors. Don't want to owe them anything,"

Even though it's so much easier to accept Charlie's offer, he is determined to cut all ties with Liza.

"I don't mind if her dad still invests in your company, just so you know," Cara mutters. She doesn't want him to feel obligated to decline because of her.

"That's really big of you, thanks" Xander whispers before placing a kiss on her cheeks.

Cara has questions, like, what did Liza say? Why was she there? But she doesn't want to be that type of girlfriend, she never had to be.

"I fucking hate your Ex though," Cara says resting her head on Xander's shoulders.

"Don't we all" Xavier says.

"Liza needs to learn to handle a break up like a champ."

"Since when do you handle breakups like a champ?" Xander mocks playing with the strands of her hair.

"Okay fine, most of my breakups end with me leaving a few damages to his house, car, or sometimes the damages are on him but the key thing is that I leave him. It's his loss anyway." Cara flips her hair dramatically, "I don't stalk him like an insane person."

"Hey guys," Cassie announces her presence as she walks in. "This is yours," She hands Cara a key holder with two keys. Those are the key to the house, Cassie and Sam have already moved, although Cassie strongly doubts that Cara would ever move in, she wanted her to have it.

"Thanks," Cara says placing the key beside her.

Cassie turns trying to find a space to sit and the only space available is beside Xavier who's avoiding her. She considers just standing but in order not to look petty, she just sits on the couch.

  "Hmm, what's going on here?"Xander gestures to Cassie and Xavier both awkwardly sitting at the edge of the couch so as not to sit near each other.

The two look at each other than at Xander before simultaneously saying, "Nothing,"

"Don't worry I got you, babe," Cara starts, "They were fucking as I suspected, your brother didn't want a causal relationship anymore, asked Cassie out but she said no and since then he has been acting like a child now everything is weird. That's pretty much it."

Stuck Up Meets Crazy. [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang