The Deal

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Slipping my silk gown, I approach the window, my hands revelling in the black softness of my gown. The light wind blows across my face and a smile spreads across my face. This is what I live for. The subtle chirping of nearby birds. The sound of the wind caressing my window. The greenness of nature.

"Ma'am," a voice behind me says, breaking me out of my stance. "Your tea."

She wheels the tray forward as I take the tea and disappears without another word. I look down through the window, the sound of a galloping horse reaches my ear. My eyes scan the area outside. A stallion.

The owner brushes his beautiful mane as he tilts his head in a gesture of appreciation. A smile spreads over my face. The brown coat glistens amongst the sun. This is a well kept stallion.

When I first bought my place, I was twenty two. Father had insisted I buy the place next to his. I had refused, city life was just not for me. No I had bought a place in a residence park. A manor of sorts. It may have cost me four million dollars but the place was private and secluded.

There are a total of eight properties in this park. All of which are privately owned and secured in a gated community.

My phone chimes by the window pane forcing my attention away from my window.

Call me.

I smile picking up my phone. I dial my father's number and wait for the several rings it usually takes before he picks up. Though it doesn't happen, he picks up immediately.

"Sky," father says breathlessly.

I frown. "Are you okay, dad?"

"I don't think so, and neither is your mother."

My throat tightens, as concern wraps me. "What do you mean? What happened?"

"We might have just handed over the family business by mistake."

I shake my head trying to comprehend his words. "By mistake? What does that even mean?" I ask in concern.

"We made a deal...a contract. With Systematics Corp. They tricked us, had us sign over the family business."

Take a deep breath, I tell myself. "How does that happen? Please tell me you read the contract."

The silence confirms my dread.

"Dad, what did you do?!"

"He swapped the contract. I don't know how or when but he did it."

The tea spills from my hand hitting the tiled floor as porcelain shatters across the floor. I take a step back avoiding the glass.

"Dad, I need to call you back," I tell him. "Let me sort this out."

Without waiting for his response, I hang up and fall to the floor. A broken piece of glass digs into my feet drawing blood but the numbness in my head distracts me. This can't be happening. We've all been working so hard for this. This cannot be happening.

Systematics Corp. The corporation is owned by Paul Philips. I twist against the floor, the shard of glass digging further against my feet. When realisation sets in, I slam my head against my hand. Paul Philips is doing a deal with Rocky Hamilton. Paul had been on the news. He's a small multimillionaire company wishing to work with Rocky Hamilton. In fact he came all the way from the U.S to work with Hamilton & Co.

I hate the idea but I need to see Rocky Hamilton. Maybe Paul's fear of losing the opportunity to work with Rocky might help us out. But only if Rocky helps us out.

Rocky and I went to the same primary and high school together. Of course I'd never seen him since then. Never met or talked to him ever again. I helped mum and dad straight after high school to start the family business. Rocky turns out, had created a multi billion dollar company. The biggest and finest Australia had seen.

I pick up my phone, dial Hamilton & Co and book an appointment. Tomorrow I'm seeing Rocky.

The Six Month Contractحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن