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No, no, no. Shit!

I gently untangle my hand from his body and pull myself back. I'm naked, I cannot believe I'm naked. I look back at Rocky, he's asleep. He looks calm.

I cannot believe what happened last night. How could I be so stupid to let that happen? Now it's all going to end when the contract ends and I'm going to walk away in pieces. I knew it yet I still let it happen.

Pulling the sheets up to my neck, I twist my back to Rocky and stare at the lamp on the bedside table.

I feel an arm wrap around my bare waist. Suddenly
I'm pulled back against Rocky's very naked body. "Good morning," he mutters into my ear.

He sounds joyful. Positive even.

I keep quiet. I don't have a word to say. I cannot believe I let this happen. What is wrong with me?

Using his hand, he twists my body so that I'm facing him. "You look beautiful," he says.

I roll my eyes. "No, I don't."

He smirks. "You definitely do," he says leaning in to kiss me.

I let him kiss me. I don't kiss back though.

Rocky pulls back and watches me. "You okay?"

"I'm going to be sick," I say.

Rocky shakes his head in confusion. "We can get you to a doctor, but what's wrong?"

I stand up pulling the sheets with me. It means Rocky is on the bed naked now but at least I am covered.

I look away, staring at the floor. "I need to breath."

Rocky gets up from the bed and walks over to me. My throat tightens and I take a step back.

"Really?" He asks watching me take another step back. "You're scared of me?"

I shake my head. "Last night shouldn't have happened."

He stares me dead set in the eyes as he picks his boxer up from the ground and puts it on. I'm staring of course, how great.

"So you feel sick because you slept with me?"

I don't want to but I nod.

"Good to know, Sky," he says taking another step forward. "Good to know that after everything I did and said you still think of me badly, you still think it's sick to sleep with me but worst of all, you still can't fall in love with me especially since I put my damn heart on the line."

I swallow. "I don't know what to say."

Rocky cups my face before I try to pull back. "Of course you don't. Every time I try to move forward with you Sky, you take five steps back. I'm at a loss here."

I lean against the door seeing as he has me pressed against it. "Rocky, please."

His hands drop by his side. "Go," he says. "I won't release you from the contract though."

Watching him take a step back, I pull the door and run out.


I never thought of myself as a bad person. Standing in the garden, I realise I am exactly that.

I hate Rocky, well part of me did when I felt forced into the contract. He was right though, I wasn't actually forced, I had a choice, and he was right about something else too–I would have never dated or spent time with him without the damn contract.

Staring at the flowers so beautifully lined up, my heart twists and turns. I love him and I need to stay away before I hurt myself. I've been hurt so many times and I don't think I could put up with it again.

While I can see he has good intentions, we're just not compatible. There is one thing for sure, no matter what I do, I won't be walking away from this contract unscathed.

I turn and head for the back door to go inside. I stop when I hear Rocky's voice in the corridor.

"Three months," he says on the phone. "Then it ends."

I swallow, he must be talking about the contract. Three months are left.

"But let's play them first. Make them think the contract ends. Make them feel like they're protected and then I will step in and ruin them for good."

My throat tightens and I take a step back. The contract. If Rocky is playing me then I have already lost.

"Make sure they lose everything. I want them on the streets by the end of this. If they want to play like this then two can play this game."

Who is they? Who is he referring to?

If by they, he means my family, I won't let that happen.

"You sort it out with them and I will distract Sky. She shouldn't know about a thing."

I hang my head low and take a deep breath. It is what I thought it was. Gosh I am such an idiot. How on earth could I possibly have thought he was a good man?

This is why I didn't trust him. He was a player in high school and a damn player now. His whole thing about never having been with another girl after myself is a load of bull.

I feel sick, like I am about to throw up. I actually slept with him. I gave him a part of myself I had been protecting for so long.

I cannot believe what an idiot I have been, but I am not about to let my family be homeless. If he wants to play then that is exactly what we will do.

Three'll be over soon. If Rocky thinks he can fool me then he better be prepared.

Turning around, I head for the living room and drop myself on the couch. He doesn't know what's about to hit him.

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