The Brothers Play Revenge

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"What hospital?" Daniella says sitting by the side of my bed, flipping through a magazine.

I watch her in confusion. "Excuse me?"

"When you had Pneumonia, which hospital did you stay at?"

"Rosabay Hospital," I reply. "Does it matter?"

She shrugs and continues to flip through her magazine but her expression changes to fear.

My throat tightens and I do a double take. She's no longer got a look of concern on her face, or one of fear but deep down I know she reacted to Rosabay Hospital.

"Daniella," I say as she lifts her eyes away from the magazine and looks at me. "Is there something I should know?"

She shakes her head. "Nope," she replies before putting the magazine down and getting up from the bed.

That's enough to tell me she's lying. She's doing the best to avoid my question and now she wants to leave.

"Daniella," I say again, forcing her to stop at the door.

She turns to look at me but her eyes are more so on the bed than me.

"I thought you'd be honest with me."

She shakes her head. "I am honest."

"I think we're all lying here to protect one another. I lied to your brother and now you're lying to me. What do you know?"

She takes a deep breath. "What was the name of the guy who attacked you?"

"Aaron," I reply in confusion. I don't know why he has anything to do with what we are talking about.

"You know Paul had a brother," she says.

"Paul?" I ask. "As in Paul from..."

"Systematics Corp," she replies without letting me finish. "Yes, That Paul."


She frowns. "You told Rocky the guy who attacked you, his older brother started up the hospital, right?"

I nod not knowing where she's going with all of this.

She frowns and wipes at her tears now falling down her face.

"Paul is getting revenge," is all she says before running out of my room before I can either question or stop her.

I blink in confusion. What does Aaron, Rosabay Hospital and Paul have in common? Paul had a brother, I know that much but how is it all related. Aaron had an older brother. His older brother started up the hospital.

I freeze.

As realisation sets in, Rocky runs through the door breathless. He grabs his knees and watches me.

I blink away the tear.

"Sky," he says taking a step forward.

I take a deep breath.

"Daniella told me you were attacked in Rosabay Hospital."

I nod.

He shakes his head and his hands turn to fists beside him.

"So Paul had a brother," I say.

This time Rocky nods.

"And Paul started up Rosabay Hospital?"

He nods again.

"So destroying my family was his way of taking revenge?" I ask.

Rocky frowns this time. "Seems like it."

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