What A Mess!

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"There is no way I am stripping in the damn kitchen?" I say.

Rocky smirks. "Who said anything about stripping?" And then lifts his eyebrow in my direction. "And if you don't want to in the kitchen, I have a bedroom upstairs. You can strip there."

My mouth drops open and shock registers. "You've just ruined both my baking and my clothes."

Rocky nods. "I'm sure you'll look better without clothes than with clothes, and as for your baking...well I'm sure you'd taste better than whatever you were planning to bake."

My eyes almost pop out of their sockets. Did he really just say that?

I smack his arm muttering, "pervert," as I walk past.

"I heard that!"

"Good," I say looking him dead set in the eyes. "You were supposed to."

Grabbing the flour bag beside me, I tip it over Rocky's head before he can register what just happened. His fingers turn to fists beside me and he grabs my hand pulling my body against his.

The impact of the pull forces my chest to slam against his before he leans me against the sink behind me. "Is that how you want to play?" He asks before shaking his head in my direction.

I wave my free hand across my face and cough to clear the flour from the air. "Don't you dare."

His hand reaches for the tap behind me and while I protest and try to free myself from his grasp, I fail miserably.

He grabs the tap and removes it from the stand. I try to push him but feel uncomfortable touching his bare chest. "Please, Rocky."

He shakes his head. "I don't think so."

He drags the removable tap handle down my shirt and wets the front completely forcing me to wince and jump in my spot from how cold the water is.

I release my hand from his grip and hold it in the direction of the tap, an attempt to block the water. Rocky grabs my hip, before slamming his lips against mine. This takes me by surprise and instead of arguing or attempting to turn the tap off, I give into his kiss.

I am well aware that the water has travelled down my skirt and across the floor and part of Rocky is wet too. I don't want to pull away from the kiss though, it's good, his lips are good, it's all good.

Turning the tap off, Rocky stares at me. "That's better," he says pulling away from the kiss.

I stare down at my clothes, and then the kitchen. It's a mess, the whole thing. My clothes is not only wet, but dirty.

When I try to move away from Rocky, my leg slips against the puddle of water beneath me and I slam into Rocky. He laughs. "The more you try to get away from me, the more earth brings you closer."

I roll my eyes. "Stop it with that nonsense talk."

Rocky throws the tea towel in my direction and I wipe at my face. "You had to mess this up."

Rocky grins. "I messed this up?" he says in mockery. "You're the one who started it."

"Mine was a little fun," I tell him. "Yours full on turned into some sort of kitchen war."

"And you still didn't strip."

I frown. "And I won't."

"Well how is it fair?"

"You took your own shirt off, I ain't taking mine off. That was on you."

"One day," Rocky says. "One day that shirt will come off."

"In your dreams," I say wiping the front of my shirt.

Rocky smirks. "Trust me," he says. "That shirt has come off plenty of times in my dreams.  I kind of need it to come off in reality."

I throw the tea towel at him and slam my elbow into his rib cage as I walk out. He smiles as he rubs his side. "I didn't know you liked it violent."

I stop in my tracks. Why does he turn everything I do or say dirty? How does he have the ability to do that?

Crossing my arms over my chest, I walk upstairs to change my clothes.

Grabbing a pair of ripped jeans and a plain black t-shirt, I head for the bathroom. When I see myself in the mirror, I look like a complete mess. This is much worse than what I thought.

Suddenly my head spins. I grab the towel rail beside me to steady myself. Things around me get blurry and I kneel on the ground. What's happening? Why am I so dizzy that I cannot see or think straight?

Placing the palm of my hands flat against the tiled floor, I take deep breaths. "I'm okay," I tell myself.

The dizziness subsides and my bearings become clear. I pull myself up again using the rail beside me. What just happened? Maybe what happened downstairs was too much for one day.

Taking my clothes off, I head into the shower stall and turn the steamy water on. The dizziness holds ever so slightly in the background. Something is wrong. I take a deep breath pressing my palms against the glass in front of me. "Please be okay."

I hear sounds in the bedroom. It's probably Rocky, he'll be changing too. I cannot tell though. My head spins faster and I lean against the tiled wall for support.

My breathing gets heavier and my vision blurs. I can hear someone saying something but I cannot for the life of me figure out what they're saying.

I hear the bathroom door slam open and before I can hit the ground, I feel strong arms holding me up. It's Rocky, I can tell that much.

"You're okay," he whispers in my ear.

I nod but the dizziness takes over and I lean against him, sure that I'll hit the floor. His hand grabs my bare waist and he pushes me against the wall to hold me up.

Suddenly I'm aware of how obviously naked I am, and that too in front of Rocky. Instead of panicking I laugh. "It didn't last long."

The laugh was a bad idea, it sends a pounding through my head forcing me to grip Rocky's shoulders for support.

Rocky watches me in concern and confusion.

"So much for not stripping for you," I say. "It didn't even last a few hours."

Rocky frowns. "I don't care about that," he tells me. "Clearly you're not feeling well. Can we focus on that?"

I smile. Here I am standing naked in the shower with a very shirtless Rocky and he couldn't care less about me being naked. That fact that he cares about my health makes me giddy inside.

Grabbing his shoulder, I lean into him. Water drops down my naked body and onto his pants. My head spins and I fall to my knees. Rocky is down on his knees as well. He tucks my wet hair behind my ear. "Breathe," he whispers into my ear.

I don't tell him that turns me on. Being in the shower and very obviously naked, has wild thoughts going through my mind.

I place my palms against the floor to steady myself, watching the water pool around my hands.

Rocky grabs my waist, twists me and lifts me into his arms. He steps out of the shower, grabbing the towel with one hand and lacing it over my body. When we get to the bedroom, he places me on the bed making sure the towel covers me.

"Your bed's wet," I say squeezing my forehead from the pain.

"Doesn't matter," Rocky says. "Rest."

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