Shang X Reader (Part 3) (Final)

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Shang was off again. He was taking three princes to another king to be married. I sat at home, my mother smiling at me.

"Your farther would have been so proud of you." She smiled, raising my head. I winced and held my stomach. "Sweetie?" I whimper as I doubled over. Shang...He's not here.

Shang's POV

I sigh as I finally got the princess's back to came. What was she thinking.


"They were so worried and scared I thought that if they had a break from being princess's they may-"

"They have to remain safe. They are the princess's of china." I snap. "What would have happened if one got hurt or worse?" I heard a hours and looked over. A messenger. He came to a quick stop.

"General. Its about you're wife." He said holding out a scroll. I quickly thanked him and took it.

-It is (Y/n)'s mother. Earlier tonight (Y/n) went into an early labour. Do not worry. She's perfectly okay and is resting at the current moment. You have two beautiful sons. I hope to hear back soon. (Y/n) misses you dearly.-

I re-read it and sighed.

"I promised I wouldn't miss the labour." I frown. Mulan came over and put her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sure everything's okay." She smiled.

"I have twin boys." I chuckled. "Come on. Lets finish this mission." She nodded and we went off with the princess's.

(Y/n) POV

I slowly open my eyes and saw two squirming babies. I smiled and carefully sat up. I looked over to my two sons. (S/1), (S/2). I pick them up, one in each arm, and smiled down at them.

"I can't wait for your dad to meet you." I smiled down at them.


My mother cared for the children as I rested and got my health back to normal. I heard horses and looked over. I heard running and the doors opened.

"(Y/n)?" I heard Shang ask. I heard one of my sons cry. I heard movment. I slowly got up and slowly walked out watching Shang look down at (S/1). I giggled and he shot round and looked at me. "(Y/n)." He smiled and hurried over and hugged me. I hiss a little and he smiled. He let me go and picked me up. He took me to our room and laid me down, kissing my head.

"I missed you." I smiled cupping his cheek. He smiled and put his hand over mine.

"Shang." I look over to my sad mother. "I need to talk to you." He looked down at me and kissed my head before following her out. I know what it was about. It was about what happened during my sons labour. How I was injured inside. How there was a chance I could die. I heard muffled voices and then quick walking. Shang hurried in and fell to his knees. His head falling onto my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Hey, its okay." I say. He frowned and looked up at me. He kissed me softly and I gladly kissed back.


I smiled from my spot on the grass. I watched my sons play with there kite. I smiled as I heard small footsteps. I look over so see my daughter (D/n) walking over. She had only recently learnt how to walk. Shang walking behind her proudly, making sure she didn't fall back and hurt herself. I smiled as she giggled and fell into my open, waiting arms. I scooped her up and looked to my boys. I sat (D/n) on my lap, letting her eat some of the food we had out for the children. Shang sat behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly.

"I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too." I smiled as he kissed my cheek as we watched our 3 children play.

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