Ch. 5

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I don't remember much of my parents. They died when I was 2. All I know is that they loved me very much. I was given to my grandparents, but they passed away when I was 16. They, too, loved me very much. I stayed with my god parents for a while, but they didn't love me.

The owner of this building knows I am still underage by a year, but she still lets me live here. I was thankful for her. Money wasn't a problem. My parents and my grandparents' money were all passed down to me. I got a few thousand dollars from my god parents before they kicked me away. I'm financially stable.

I've never broken a bone or ever needed surgery. Ever since I got a sprain on my ankle, I did not want to experience pain that was much worse than that. I've never been hit in the head so hard, and my parents didn't have any mental health problems. I didn't have any allergies either. I'm physically and mentally stable.

My parents and grandparents died. The only people who ever loved me are gone. Every time I make a new friend they always end up finding someone better and leaving me behind. All my past "best friends" never really cared about me. Even after all the struggles we go through, they replaced me and forgot about me in a snap. I have never been in a relationship. No guy has ever liked me. The guy I am in love with is an asshole and would never date me.

I am not emotionally stable.

But I hide it. I bottle up all the emotions that I have been keeping since the death of my grandparents and since the betrayal of my "best friends". I hide everything to make it seem like I'm okay. I'm normal.
I am emotionally stable.

So I walk into school like every other day, as if everything's okay. I see people with their friends talking and chatting. I see guys kissing their girlfriends. I see guys asking out some girls. I see all these happy people. And as I continue to look, I realized why I'm acting like this today. It was today that my bottle of emotions is gonna break. I look at Emma and Lennon who have found themselves some new friends. Today is the day that I break...

More of the bottled up emotions start rushin through my head. I ran out of that place just as fast as the memories started playing. I realized I had no where else to go. I don't have a car. There's no bus that can take me. A thought came to mind, and I guess it would have to do. I ran to the apple the tree, and climbed up the tree. I sat myself on the branch and allowed myself to break.

All the sadness, anger, and pain that I never let out have finally been released. It hurt. Building up all these emotions, physically hurt my heart. It was as if someone was stabbing me multiple times. You know the saddest thing? No one was here to comfort me.

I don't know how long I was up there, but I know I missed a few classes. I couldn't care less. I got down from the tree and decided to ditch school for today. I would just walk home today. As I made my way home, I heard a car drive next to me.

"Ooohhh bad girl, Harley. Skipping school like this? Tsk tsk tsk what would your mother say." A familiar voice spoke

"Yeah...what would she say" I mumbled quietly to myself.

"Go away Jaxon" I said to him. I cringed at my voice. It sounded terrible.

"Nah. I wanted to talk to you actually." He said

"No. Now leave me alone." I say

"Please, Harley, I just wanted to apologize." He says changing his whole attitude. He was faking it. I couldn't take it anymore. I walked over to the driver's seat, and slapped him.

"Stop. Just stop it already Jaxon. Leave me the fuck alone." I say before continuing my walk home. I turned up my music louder. That's why I didn't hear his footsteps behind me.

I felt myself being picked up and set down into a car. I didn't struggle, I knew who it was just by the feel of his arms. I sighed and rubbed my face in annoyance.

"I will give you any information you want Jaxon, just please leave me alone." I start to beg. I could feel the tears starting back up as I recall memories of him.

He stayed quiet and drove fast. I concentrated on not crying. We arrive at my apartment complex in no time. He opens my door for me and grabs my arm. He leads me to the elevators and to my floor. Once we get there,he turns to me.

"Which one is your room?" He asks

I look down and lead him there. I lived four doors down from Reece's room. I unlocked my room and walked to the kitchen. He followed me. I got out an ice pack and pushed it to his chest.

"Sorry" I mumbled

He took the ice pack and set it down on the counter. I looked up at him in confusion. He rushed me to the couch and sat me down.

"Why were you crying?" He asks me. My eyes widen with shock.

"I know I'm probably the last person you want to see, but I don't think anyone should be left alone when their sad." He says

"I'll be fine by myself, Jaxon." I say

"No you won't." He insists

I was too drained to talk back. I grabbed a pillow and hugged it close. I closed my eyes and the tears started coming again. I felt his arms pull me closer to his chest. In a normal situation, I would be fangirling inside right now, but right now it was what I really needed. I needed comfort so bad. I let go of the pillow and hugged him. I cried and cried until I could cry no more.

I let go of him and wiped my face. He took out his handkerchief and wiped my face for me. I smiled weakly at him. My eyes begin to droop and the last thing I remember is him mumbling something to me, then I blacked out.


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