Ch. 56

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The day after Valentine's Day was pretty uneventful. Nothing much happened besides Emma telling us all about her adorable date with Kaden. Mali was happy for her even if a small bit of her wished it was her.

I didn't have any plans for the weekend, so I resorted to staying in bed and snuggling all by myself. Unfortubately, that was cut off by a knock on the door.

I groaned as I open the door to face the person that dared pull me out of bed. My eyebrow rose as the face of Jaxon Parker stood in front of me.


"Because boredom!!!" Jaxon exclaims with a shit eating grin. I groan-already knowing my rest and relaxation plans are ruined.

"I wanted to get a good rest before we go back to school, Jaxon" I say

"Not happening" He laughed "Kaden's busy with Emma ane Reece is hungover. This leaavvesssss?"

"Me." I sigh deeply as I let him in. Jaxon's grin widens when he sees Mike. He happily pets him before turning back to me.

"So what are you planning?" I ask him

"So there's a new zoo that opened nearby that has only one animal in it. Wolves. A whole zoo just focus on wolves!!! We have to go Harley!! Pleasee!!!" He

"Okay fine. Let's go." I sigh

"I knew you couldn't say no to dogs." He smirks smugly

I chuckle and roll my eyes at him before walking to my room to change. I put on a simple yellow flowy tank top and match that with white shorts. I put on my sandals before going back out. Jaxon was happily petting Michael and baby talking him. Let me just say that again. He,a grown man, was talking to my dog as if it was a baby.

"Are we going to the wolf exhibit or are we staying here with my own little wolf?" I say

Jason looks at me and smiles as he eyes me up and down. It could just be me, but I don't think he was checking me out in a "damn she's hot" way. He had a fond smile on his face instead of a mischievous smirk. And that smile just grew wider. He reaches up and ruffles my hair. 

"You look so beautiful." He says. I roll my eyes and look away-hiding the blush that was creeping up my face.

"Shut up, you flirt." I mumble before standing up and dusting off the invisible dust on my legs. "Come on! The wolves await"

Jaxon grins and stands up after me. "To the land of the wolves!!!!" He exclaims




The trip to the wolf exhibit took quite a while. The fact that Jaxon kept making terrible pick up lines and terrible jokes made the trip feel even longer, but I didn't really mind. The jokes were pretty amusing.

Jaxon got out of the car excitedly. I chuckle and got out of the car. I was just as excited as him, but I wasn't gonna show it just yet. I gotta save my energy first.

"Harley!!! Harley!!! Hury up!! Oh my god I can hear them howling!! Hurry Harley!!!" Jaxon exclaims as he rushed to the ticket booth.

I laugh at his excitement and rush after him. By the time I got to his side, the tickets were paid for and a black wrist band with a wolf on it was on Jaxon's wrist. He put a similar white wrist band on my wrist before dragging me to the entrance.

When we entered that exhibit, it was my turn to be all giddy and excited. The exhibit was made to look like a forest. They gave us a map so we knew where to go.

"Wolf pack! Wolf pack! Wolf pack!" I chant

"Nooo!! Wolf babies!! They have " Jaxon insists.

"New born babies!! They have new borns today!!"

"But...but...wolf pack!"

"The wolf pack will be here everyday, but these babies only come ever so often" 

"Pleeaaasseeee Harley?" 

I sighed. This grown man is seriously using the puppy dog eyes on me and it's working. Why am I so weak?

"Fiiineeee" I sigh in defeat

"YAAAY!!" Jason exclaims as he hugs me tightly. He then lets me go to grab my hand and rush me to the "wolf babies". 

I laughed as I followed his pace. We eventually came to a stop. There was a giant  window that was luckily not so crowded as the tour guide and the tourist were just leaving. Jaxon and I peered inside the window and are immediately put into awe as we see the three wolf pups stumbling around and trying to walk for the first time. The mother was watching them closely as they got used to their tiny little legs.

"Aww come on buddy. You can do it. You can get up." I found myself cheering softly for the littlest pup that had fallen down and was struggling to get up. The mother was about to stand up to help her fallen pup, but there was no need as the pup finally managed to stand on it's own.

"Yes!!"I cheered  softly and clapped my hands as I watched the pup walk. From beside me, I can hear Jaxon chuckling.

"You look so weird and so cute at the same time." He says "Yup. Get you a girl that can do both."

I blush lightly in embarrassment. "I was just rooting for the little guy" I explain

"Mhm and that was adorable. You and the little guy." He says as he ruffles my hair "Bet you're happy we went to the babies first, huh?" 

"Okay...yes maybe that was a good idea to go to the wolf babies first." I admit with a wide smile on my face.

"Score one for Jaxon!" He cheers loudly

"Okay now THAT is weird." I laugh as I glance at the people shooting glances at him

"Weird is good. We're the weird team!" Jason exclaims as he links our arms together 

"Weird team away!" He says as he then drags me to the next location.

We arrived at that zoo in the afternoon and we went home at closing time which was at night already. In case you couldn't tell by the long hours we stayed there, the two of us had quite a lot of fun together. The most fun I've ever had in a long time. It really did make me realise how much I love hanging out with this dork. 



Okay, so let's challenge me. If you guys want the next chapter within this week, then can we get this chapter to hm..80? Yeah. 80 votes in 3 days!!! andddd if you wanna see if this next chapter will be worth voting for, then here's a sneak peak just for you!!!!

"Jaxon...I have a boyfriend." I mumble softly 

"I...I know, but I really can't get you off my mind Harley. I just...Can you please?. Please just do this for me. Just this once...and I'll never do it again." He mumbles just as soft as he moves even closer to me. I couldn't speak. My heart was racing and my mind was spinning. Who was I supposed to listen to now? There was no one to help me process what was happening. 

I placed my hand on his chest to create even just a little bit of distance between us. He took hold of my hand and tilted my head up. My heart stopped, my mind went blank, and my lips-- LMAO I DON'T KNOW! YOU GOTTA FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!

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