Ch. 44

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A gasp escapes me as I look at my best friend. He looked weak and in clear pain as he sat up quickly upon looking at me. He tried to contain his yell of pain as he slid down his leg. It was barely even raised, but it looked like he was in great pain.

"What...what happened to you?" I ask even though I did not want to know the answer

"Harley...I'm sorry. I knew you wouldn't take it well." He looks at me sadly

"What the fuck do you mean..." I try my best to keep my calm. I don't know what's going on, but he looked like he was in so much pain. The bad feeling in me grew stronger.

"I..." He trails off, unable to form any other words

The room fell into silence. Everyone was in their own heads. Nobody spoke for a few minutes until Luke decided to break the silence.

"Chris, mate, I'll tell her for you. You just get some rest" He says

"No." Chris immediately replies "I-i have to, I want to, and I need to tell her myself"

"Okay...I'll be outside then." I hear footsteps walking to the door and the door closing. After a few second of silence, I hear shuffling and bed creaking.

"Come here, Har." Chris says

I look up at him to see his arms open wide and some space next to him. I slowly made my way over to him and laid down next to him.

"I...I've been sick for a long time now which is why I barely see you and I make sure you don't see me. I remember you telling me about how you're always being left behind by everyone you love and care for. When I heard that I was sick, my thoughts immediately went to you. I knew that you'd be affected greatly. I didn't want to leave you. I didn't want to be one of the people to leave you." He says as he hugs me close. I started to shake as I tried to control my tears and fears. I kept on telling myself over and over 'Please don't be anything bad'

I suddenly hugged him so tight, afraid that he was gonna disappear. My fears of the worst were starting to roam my mind.

We didn't know each other for that long, but he's become one of the best friends I have ever had. That's saying something because I'm cautious in saying that word. Every time I call someone my best friend, they end up leaving me...It seems to be happening again. I should have never gotten too close. This is what happens when I do.

"Chris..." I say with a shaky voice

"Yeah?" He says

"What are you even sick with?" I was hoping and praying by now for it to be nothing. I wished that I was over reacting.

"I...I have a type of bone cancer called Osteosarcoma. It's affecting my knee and it basically made my knee very weak and fragile. It um...It spread to my lungs which will be harder to cure, but it is possible. There is a chance that I can survive this." He smiles lightly to reassure me

"How many percent?" I ask

"S-somewhere around 40%..." He whispers softly

I closed my eyes to prevent the tears. I knew it...I fucking knew that something was wrong as soon as I stepped foot into this room.

"Luke has been keeping tabs on everything since he can understand it all being a med student. I haven't been paying much attention to it because I was just so worried about everything." I felt his grip on me tighten slightly

"I'm not ready to leave...I'm not ready to leave you, Luke, and Mike. I'm not ready, Har." I hear him start to cry. This seems to trigger my tears to start falling as well.

I didn't say anything more. The two of us just laid there trying to comfort each other. Even if it was curable, the thought of being sick with cancer was still such a scary thought. Cancer was a word that struck fear in the hearts of many people. Hearing that you have it is just terrifying for both you and your loved ones.

We stayed there for a solid hour and a half just crying in each others arms. The thought of him dying fresh in our minds.


Sorry for the shitty chapter >_< I tired xD

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