Chapter 19

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When she woke up this morning, Ava expected it to be bad, worse even, but after the twins kept their promise to help, she let hope get the better of her

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When she woke up this morning, Ava expected it to be bad, worse even, but after the twins kept their promise to help, she let hope get the better of her. A storm moved and twisted all around them. The cloudy sky roared and cried under thick afternoon air. Mist chilled Ava's face, drenched her uniform and curled a loose piece of hair until it was completely frizzed. Exactly why she put her hair up in a bun.

Layers of water ran over the vines and skyscrapers into rivers. The foot of this rickety building became a pond, covering the open field and the laboratory's green hill. It was deep enough to slow their foot, shallow enough to stand their ground. The carnival wasn't any better. This place was about to go under. This would be their last chance at getting inside.

Puddles sloshed about as Ava made her way towards the edge of the flat roofline. Carefully, she stopped near the edge while water ran over like a never-ending waterfall. The world was vastly consuming itself and she felt the depths of it in her heart.

The end of the world was coming faster than the UFE predicted.

One by one the twins joined Ava on the ledge. Rain dripped from Gio's chin as he gave her the knapsack. She took out the binoculars and zoomed in. The wolf demons slept below, huddled close together in scattered piles with a tinge of spike to their obsidian furs. There were less than before, yet still too many for one person to kill.

"So what's the plan?" Mika asked, squinting. He didn't bring binoculars. "Please tell me you have a plan."

With Mika next to Ava, it was hard to ignore the heat radiating off him. Harder to not be envious of his alien trait. As she spoke, a fog left her mouth. "Of course I have a plan." She put the binoculars away and swung the knapsack over her shoulders. "Sam will help Gio kill the demons while you watch my back."

Surprised, Mika pointed to himself. A slither of a smile crept on his lips. Standing this close, it looked more sinful than ever before. "You want me to watch your back?"

"Considering your track record, you suck at killing demons. I don't wanna have to hear your dying screams while I'm trying to get inside," she said. "It'll break my concentration."

His smile dropped. "So you're saying I'm the weakest one here."

"I'm saying, you're the one who has the most important job."

No glob demon would get the better of Ava this time. With Mika's barrier and Sam's help, Ava could put all her energy on getting inside. She'd make sure they got through that door. No matter what it cost.

After Gio and Sam figured out their plan of attack, they fanned out, one on either end of the building. The roof swayed side to side from their short movements. Seconds later, they disappeared. Gio popped up in the middle of the field, his arm raised towards the stormy sky. Spider demons dropped from the trees from hordes of silk. Their spikes stabbed the watery grass, moving quickly and faster towards him like mechanical toys.

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