Chapter 32

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Racing against the clock, Mika detached them from the dock

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Racing against the clock, Mika detached them from the dock. Ava pushed the steering wheel forward. It trembled violently in her hands as the pod left the secured attachment. Tiny rocks hit the roof and sides—metal scratched the underbelly. A rumble passed beneath their shoes. For a second, she imagined dying.

The way they designed this pod, it was clear Zephyrus thought things out beyond his ship's architecture. The exterior walls stuck out in a way that made it easy for objects and space rocks to puncture a hole. Basically, they were floating in a ball. Knowing this left an unsettling feeling in Ava's stomach.

Breathe in... Breathe out...

She dove the pod deeper, unavoidably catching larger debris drifting from the ship. Mika tapped away on the control panel, bouncing away parts with the pod's limited barrier. Ava pushed them further out into space, and as she did, she caught sight of the damage. It was worse than she imagined.

Like a kebab, a red ship was speared through one of the engines. Its sharp exterior and high-tech vibe were iridescent and memorable. And there was no mistaking that emblem. With its arrow stamped across a circle and arrowhead pointing up right—that was a Mars warship.

A quake erupted through the walls as they grazed a destroyed pod, trembles moved her skull. Ava grasped the steering wheel tighter and maneuvered away. They were closing in on Earth's gravity quicker than she expected.

Breathe in... Breathe out...

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Mika asked, his breathing shallow.

Ignoring him, Ava steered them further away, tossing and turning until it almost felt like she'd get seasick. She dove deeper in, whisking away at the last moment to avoid what debris she could. Each time Mika tapped on a few symbols. They were getting the hang of it. We can do this.

When they finally reached the outer wall of the rubble, Ava breathed a sigh of relief. They were much closer now. The blue marble took over the entire view of the windshield, shadowing the stars as they descended to Earth.

Breathe in... Breathe out...

Chunks of metal hit the right side. The pod jerked, ramming into more debris. Sirens and red lights flashed, sending the pod into a crazy mayhem. The straps held Ava down into the damn chair, roughly dug into her collarbone. This pain was nothing compared to what dying in space would be like. Her grip tightened as she maneuvered them out of there.

Mika's hands flew across the glass panel as jagged metal passed by. Each finger tapped furiously on the lit symbols until finally they were welcomed by the calming silence. "You took out the barrier," he nitpicked. "And put a large dent in the side. If we're hit one more time, we'll be sucked out!"

"Then it's a good thing we're past all of that," she said, pointing back at the death trap.

His eyes narrowed. "All of that is coming straight behind us."

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