9 | Truth Or Dare

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~The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life you dream~

a d e l i n

A few seconds of vigorous spinning and the mouth of the glass bottle comes to a stop, pointing straight at my cousin. 

"Not ironic at all. What's it going to be, Yaretzi?" Tris asks using Noah's middle name, snickering follow and along with them, a highly unamused look from Noah.

One of Aunt Diana's biggest purposes was to be a mother and she had always wanted a baby girl, gushed about it ever since she was young, though unfortunately that hadn't ended up happening.

Noah's birth marked the arrival of her third son, it had consisted of a few tears and ended with an ode to Diana's unanswered wish for a daughter. That ode was the middle name Noah received.

Nolan, the oldest Hendrix son revels in the fact that both his younger brothers were subjected to the same fate while he had made it out unscathed.

Nixon Goldie Hendrix and Noah Yaretzi Hendrix had the exact opposite sentiments.

"Hardy, har, har." he mocks "I'll go with truth." he's still a little grumpy so I try my best to stifle any outright displays of amusment, the others aren't as cautious.

"Who would you choose between Mase and Cale for a make out session?" Tris fires back wiggling his eyebrows.

Candice chokes on the Cola she was sipping, Ash reaches over to pat a coughing Candi's back while I watch the scene with a mouth in the shape of an "O" in another attempt to stifle the chuckles trying to surface.

Mase is shaking his head as him and Caleb exchange wide eyed glances. Tris on the other hand, smirks in satisfaction of having robbed Noah of speech.

Robbing my cousin of speech is no small feat.

"Bullshit. No way in hell, am I answering!" Noah sputters, defiantly crossing his arms and resembling a child who is refused to be given candy.

"Rules are rules. The fact that you've never followed them in your entire existence does not override that." Candice tells him and Noah knows that nothing is going to get him out of this-unless he answers.

Ergo he lets out a shaky breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. The visual screaming defeat.

"First of all, I'm straighter than two parallel fucking lines an-" Noah starts and if Caleb and Mase were scared before, they're petrified now. Ash dosen't let Noah complete his sentence, stating.

"We've established that. You've slept with more girls than we can count with both our hands' fingers so just answer the damn question."

Noah mumbles "Why did I even agree to this." and then looks up to answer.

"I'd rather choose Mason. Sorry dude but I'm more into hazel eyes, I mean, have you seen them in the sun?" he explains the rocket science behind his choice, looking at Caleb apologetically.

Cale however, looks everything but disappointed by my cousin's answer. While on the other hand Mason quickly gets up from the floor before calling "I think i'm gonna be sick" and running towards the bathroom leaving most of us in a fit of laughter.

With Mase's recovery comes the second spin of the night and this time it lands before the Coca Cola addicted redhead.

"Truth or Dare, Miss Laurant?" Mase asks, his enthusiasm displayed in his dimpled smile. Candi only thinks for a heartbeat, answering confidently.

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