16 | Confessions

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~I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it.~

a d e l i n

I admire the gorgeous mansion infront of me with wide eyes, my mouth having dropped open as soon as the realization had struck.

Caleb Basilton Carter.

He's Albert Carter's son, heir to Carter Corp, one of the most well known and longest running oil companies out there, the very one my father has been dying to collaborate with.

Most of the Alderige family's wealth was amassed by my great grandfather when he'd taken a gamble by investing in a transporting business and that gamble happened to pay off. Marvellously.

Generations later, my father and uncle now have been wanting to expand their shipments to cover oils, courtesy to the big bucks it guarantees.

And the biggest-and most expansive-oil extraction company just so happens to be Carter Corporation.

Mention of the company during family gatherings is almost akin to greetings, no one even bats an eye when the men froth at the mouth at the mere name of it.

Caleb dismissing the multi billion company he was supposed to inherit is a testament of the love he has for his mother, though why Albert Carter would let him walk away from his legacy dosen't make any sense.

Still trying to come to terms with this new piece of information, I ring the doorbell after being let in by one of the groundskeeper.

My internal dilemma comes to a halt when the arched ebony door swings open and I'm greeted by a woman in her thirties, her jet black hair tied neatly in a bun and her black dress immaculately clean.

She beams at me "Well hello! You must be Adelin." opening the door wider to let me enter "Caleb informed me about your arrival, come on in" stepping into the foyer, I find myself nervous for some reason.

Somehow, the interior manages to put the exterior to shame, with its veined marble flooring, exquisite chandeliers and a double stairway the space screams luxury.

"It's lovely to meet you. Um, Caleb invited m-" I begin, though the grinning woman cuts me off with a dismissive wave of her hand, leaving me in no doubt that Laura and her would be fast friends.

"Oh I know, love. My name's Ester, I'm Caleb's mother's caretaker. You can go upstairs, first door to the right. Make yourself at home." She informs.

I nod thankfully, starting to ascend the stairs, shifting my bag-which is stuffed with my dress, makeup and heels-from my left shoulder to my right.

I have no idea why Caleb suggested that I get ready over at his place-oh right he had to explain to me whether he could go tomorrow or not.

His words not mine.

I really need to tell Caleb about Danny-in detail, this time-it doesn't feel right keeping something so big from him especially when Danny will be released soon.

Sighing, I turn towards the right hallway, knocking softly.

I raise my hand to knock again but right when my knuckles are about to gain contact, the door swings opens and infront of me stands a half naked, glisteningly wet Caleb with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

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