34 | Reunited 2.0

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T H I R T Y   F O U R

~We look up at the same stars and see such different things.~

a d e l i n

I run out into the parking lot, my dress bunched in my hands as I look around for Caleb's lambo among rows on rows of cars.

My search is futile because he's already left.

My eyes meet a familiar royal blue Bugatti. I'll have to borrow Danny's car if I want my boyfriend back.

Making a move to race back inside for the keys, I'm stopped in my tracks because a hand clasps onto my mouth, the other holding me against the captors body.

My eyes widen, panic filling my lungs as I struggle against my their strangling grip but within moments my vision gets blurry turning the yellow lamplights into golden haze.

The last thing I register is the cloth covering my mouth and nose. Once again, I find darkness inviting me in it's deep embrace.

I give in to it willingly.


"You've grown up nicely, I see why this one's so desperate to have you back." A gruff voice drawls, pulling me back into consciousness.

Opening my eyes, I groan, trying to fight against the fog covering my sight. When it does return, I wish it hadn't.

I'm tied to a chair, surrounded by bulky men, the room spacious but dark and filthy with the only source of light three hanging lamps.

My eyes adjust to the darkness, roaming over the table beside me and they bulge upon the sight of two injections, both filled solutions and resting along them are two guns.

I look up at the men and my blood goes cold as infront of me stands Mr Carter, Cameron and the whole of West Vultures. My tied hands start to shake in fear and shock.

Albert Carter grins at me, next to him Cameron is grim and in the middle, the leader of the Vultures-Volkov Vulture-can't seem to keep his ecstasy off his face.

Dread seeps through my form, weighing down my bones and hollowing my stomach.

Volkov was supposed to be dead, with a handful of his croonies in prison because they hadn't gotten to escape that day. How they escaped and how Volkov's not rotting six feet deep in the ground, I don't know.

I had shot him myself, it was the whole damn reason why Danny had to go to prison. All those months of suffering were meaningless if he's still standing infront of me.

"Would you look at that, sleeping beauty's finally awake." Carter moves towards me, his hand hovering over my arm-to my back, almost touching it. I scoot away from him, disgusted.

He chuckles behind me and the sound grates at me.

"So we can finally start the show." Vulture says as he gestures to one of his men and he starts filming me on a phone. I look at Cameron and Vulture with confused eyes and finally manage to find my voice.

"What are you going to do to me?" Unused, my voice comes out raspy, that isn't the case though when something sharp harshly presses into my skin-into muscle-and a scream rips from my throat.

"You fucking bastard! You had be gentle!" Cameron yells as he strides over to me and pushes Carter away. Wetness accumulates in my eyes as Cameron carefully removes the injection from my now bleading arm.

Crossroadsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें