I don't date gay guys

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After being friends with Quent for around two weeks, and still feeling unbearably attracted to him, Gabriel decided something. He needed to get a girlfriend. Someone nice, sweet, and innocent, who would provide a good distraction and not get upset when he didn't sleep with her. And the best place to find one would be at a party. Plus, while he was finding a girlfriend for himself, he could also help to find one for Quent. It was a win win situation.

If both him and Quent weren't single, it might help him to forget about his feelings for Quent, and Quent would probably enjoy having a girlfriend anyway. And some girl would get to have a handsome guy fawning over her and boosting her reputation at school, who wouldn't pressure her into doing anything more than making out with him.

In theory the plan was a brilliant one, however it had a few small flaws. The main one being he needed there to be a party for the whole thing to even get off the runway. Gabriel was just thinking this, walking to American History class with Dev and Quent, when they ran into their friend Trent, who started talking to them.

"Hey, I'm having a party next week, you guys should swing by. You too, Quent."

Gabriel was slightly disturbed by this turn of events. It was almost creepy the way his exact wishes had been fulfilled the second he thought about them. Trent was the richest kid in the entire school, and his parents enjoyed going on long vacations together and leaving Trent alone in their enormous house. This meant that any party that he threw was bound to be legendary. Music, food, and of course, enough alcohol to sink a small submarine.

At one of Trent's parties at least something was bound to break. Last time it had been a window, and his parents hadn't even been upset, they'd just replaced it like it was nothing. The time before that it had been Sandy Parker's wrist.

Trent had even invited Quent as well, although that was to be expected since Quent was now a solid member of the popular clique.

"That sounds awesome, we'll be there, right guys?" Gabriel replied, looking at Dev and Quent.

"You haven't lived until you've been to one of Trent's parties. Time for us all to get some ladies," Gabriel said, high fiving the others. They all walked off, talking about the party and ways to get laid.

Although at first it had seemed like a perfect plan, now Gabriel was starting to see the flaws in his scheme. The main ones being that two of the central parts of the plan (him and Quent getting girlfriends) were two things that he really didn't want to actually happen. Looking back, this was something he really should have seen coming. However, he had still been sort of in denial over his feelings for Quent, and so he hadn't expected to want to strangle the attractive girl that was currently giving Quent bedroom eyes quite so much.

There were several popular cheerleaders who were giving him looks like "You're so getting laid tonight," as well, however that was the problem. He didn't really want to get laid, he wanted a nice, steady girl that was a bit of a challenge and a healthy distraction. All of the girls at this particular party seemed like bitchy sluts.

Gabriel had dated his fair share of bitchy sluts before, and it was not an experience he wanted to repeat any time in the near future. For one, girls were so confusing. One minute they wanted you, the next they didn't, then they wanted that guy over there, then the getting off with some other guy was just to make you jealous. And that was before you even asked them out.

When you were actually dating it was even worse. There was the endless mind games, and the way they never seemed to say quite what they meant. They always wanted something out of you, and you had to spend endless amounts of money on them. They constantly nagged about how you could be a better boyfriend, and how you didn't spend enough time with them.

Some of them checked up on you every minute of the day, and others 'played hard to get.' And absolutely all of them, every single one was convinced that he didn't sleep with them because he didn't like them. Overall, guys were so much better.

But then he saw her. The perfect girl. Pretty, with a good figure, but not showing it off too much and spilling cleavage everywhere. And she was just going into the kitchen, which was currently empty. God was quite clearly trying to tell him something.

"Hey," he said in his sexy voice, entering the kitchen and closing the door behind him.

"Hi. Why are you here exactly?" Her tone wasn't exactly horrible, it was just kind of a slightly surprised and confused voice.

"I came here to... Talk to you. Get to know the pretty girl I haven't seen before. My name's Gabe. Are you going to tell me yours or shall I just keep on calling you Pretty Girl? " Gabriel asked in his sexy voice.

"Excuse me, are you trying to hit on me? Because, please don't. Eww. For one thing, that was a really, really awful way of chatting a girl up, and for another, as a rule, I don't date gay guys."

Gabriel stood there looking dumbstruck for a little while, before opening his mouth to deny her accusations.

"I'm not sure where you heard that from, but I am not gay. I'm straight as a pole, I just like girls, I..."

"Don't even bother," she said before he even had the chance to finish.

"I mean, you're hot and everything, but come on, I'm not stupid. My brother is gay, I know the signs. The biggest one being the way you look at Quent. Even an idiot could see that you totally like him. Don't worry though, I'm not going to tell anyone. I'll keep your little secret, I promise. Just don't go hitting on any more girls. It's insulting." And with that, she sashayed past him and out of the kitchen.

Deciding that hitting on girls was a pointless waste of time anyway, he resolved to get so totally smashed he wouldn't remember his own name in the morning. Across the hall in another room, Quent Matthews decided exactly the same thing. And that's where their problems started. Although, really, what happened next was bound to happen at some point anyway. An impressive amount of alcohol and a game of spin the bottle just helped it along.

Okay. I know I said this was going to be long, and it kind of...isn't, but long chapters are hard! I don't know how other people do it.


Still, vote and comment if you want to know what happens next!

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