Imagine this is a game

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Chapter 24

Gabe and Corey skidded into the vault, stopping abruptly before looking around. It wasn't quite what Gabe had expected. He hadn't really thought about what it would be like in the vault, but whatever he had expected, it wasn't... this.

The five things they were looking for were right in the middle of the room, a totally even distance apart from each other. He guessed it would make sense for them to be there, to keep them from getting damaged, but still. It didn't seem quite like the shadow to just leave them there for them to pick up. Nothing with her was this simple, she was full of tricks and half-truths and puzzles.

But then again, this had been their final test, hadn't it? Gabe decided to do what he usually did when he didn't know what to do, and asked Quent. Before he'd been too busy to use their mind link, but now he had space to think it was possible again.

"Quent, what do I do? I'm inside the vault, and the things are just sitting there in the centre of the room."

"Ok, there's almost certainly something bad that you can't see. The room is probably booby trapped, so you need to be very careful. Wait just a minute, and I'll be there with you. We can figure this out together."

Gabe just stood for a few tense moments, anxiously waiting for Quent to arrive. Finally the door opened again and Quent rushed in, stopping abruptly before he could get too far in. Quent turned to Corey, and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you so much for everything that you've done for us, but I think this is something we need to do together. It's too dangerous for you, you have to get out now before there's no turning back. Tell everyone else to get out as well, we have to do this on our own." Gabe urged him.

"Ok." Corey smiled. "I understand there are things you need to do on your own. I don't know what it is, but you two have something. Something special, and I hope that when I fall in love it will make me just as happy as you guys. And thank you, as well. You two give hope to shy little gay boys like me. Well, I guess it's goodbye for now." Corey said, turning to run out of the large steel door.

Quent lifted up the mask he had over his face and gave Gabe a quick kiss on the lips, and their hands twisted to link together.

"Are you ready?" Gabe asked

"Fuck no." Quent replied, and together they took one step forwards.

And nothing happened. Cautiously, they took another few steps forward into the vault. The five items stayed absolutely still, and the room was silent except for their heavy, nervous breaths.

"Ok, this is freaking me out now, why is nothing happening?" Gave asked in a hushed whisper.

"I don't know. Let's just keep it slow, and then when we grab the stuff, sprint out of the room." Gabe replied.

"But what if something happens when we grab them? What do we do?" Gabe asked worriedly, while they were still advancing forward.

Quent let out a slow breath. He could see that Gabe was practically shaking from nerves, and it was his job to calm him down.

"Imagine we're not here. Imagine this is a game, a football game. The second we grab those things, start picturing it. It's the finals, the Championship game. There's ten seconds left, the other team is two points ahead. And your teammate has just thrown you the ball. Now go!"

At the same time, they both grabbed the items, and started to run. Then all hell broke loose.

Alarms screamed out into the air, and lights flashed red, illuminating the guards running to and fro. But Gabe and Quent barely saw them, they were too busy running. Hand in hand, the ran together, weaving through the guards, and barging past few, knocking them to the floor. They even used their powers to throw anything in their way. An unstoppable force, they charged through the facility, until eventually they were out in the sharp night air.

As soon as they had caught their breath, Quent was dialing the others on his phone.

"Are you all ok? Did anyone get hurt? We're both fine, and the mission was a total success, but how are you?" Quent questioned wildly.

"Thank god. We're all good, apart from a few bumps and scratches. We got out before it turned really nasty. I think the guards were more surprised than anything else." The person on the other end of the line replied.

Quent and Gabe sighed in relief. It seemed like finally things were going the way they wanted. That was until a black car pulled up at the pavement, and some people in unfortunately familiar black suits got out.

"Did you honestly think you could escape from the government?" The man scoffed. "Either way, we've got you now. Sure, you didn't commit those crimes, so legally we've got nothing. But you're still clearly too dangerous together. And we only need one of you to break the link."

"What! You can't do that! You aren't..." But that was as far as Gabe got before he felt an excruciating pain in his left shoulder. The last thing he saw before he blacked out was Quent screaming, but being dragged away by two agents in dark glasses. Just before the darkness took over, he heard a man whispering right beside his ear: "I think you'll find we can do whatever we want. We can break that bond between you, and make all of your relationship nothing more than a Bad Dream."

Okay. I know I haven't updated in forever, but I went through a whole writer's block phase, where I couldn't write anything and I had no idea what was going to happen next. Then it just came to me. Since this story is called 'My heart belongs to a football player.' I should put something resembling football in there. You probably noticed I've never played it, or even seen it on the TV, huh.

I was meant to write another story, but that never really happened. However!


I know that gives me ten days, but five of them I'm off school so I should be okay.

Almost forgot!


My Heart Belongs To A Football Player (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now