We need a plan

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Gabe looked straight into her eyes, focusing as hard as he could.

"Aaaaand...FREEZE!" He yelled at her, praying that for once in his life, things would go the way he wanted.

For a second it seemed as if nothing had happened, and he almost had a heart attack. Then realised that she hadn't even flinched when he shouted the word "freeze!" Slowly, he leaned over and waved a hand in front of her face. Her eyes didn't even move to follow it.

"Yes! I did it! I'm awesome!" He yelled at Quent inside his mind.

"Well that's great, but we aren't out of the woods yet. First, you need to get her key card so you can get me out of this cell. It's probably in her pocket, or clipped to somewhere or on her belt..."

"She doesn't have a belt," Gabe replied flatly.

"Well, I can't see her, can I? They always have belts in movies."

"She's wearing a suit. Why would she have a belt?"

"Shut up. Anyway, did you get it?" Quent asked exasperatedly.

"Yes, I did get it, now I'm coming to get you.... Where are you?"

"Not too far away, I think. To the left a bit. I heard you when you screamed freeze at her, so I can't be that far." Quent answered.

Carefully, Gabe sneaked out the room he was in and turned left, fervently hoping that he wouldn't encounter any guards along the way. He was just wearing a shirt and shorts, which normally wouldn't have stuck out much, but since everyone else in the building was probably wearing a suit or an army uniform, he felt pretty conspicuous.

He hadn't really noticed the corridor when the woman had been taking him next door earlier on. Now he could see that it was totally devoid of any kind of decoration, and painted a soul-sucking shade of grey. He walked past the room he had woken up in, and on to another room that looked pretty much the same as his had, except it was painted light green and had Quent in it.

He whipped out the key card he'd stolen out of the woman's pocket, and opened the door. Quent leaped up from where he'd been sitting, and ran over to him.

"Okay. We need a plan." Quent stated as soon as he was near enough to Gabe.

"There's probably going to be some guards and stuff, and they might possibly shoot at us while we're trying to get away. Our main priority is to find an exit, and then from there we'll have to improvise. Now, from the sound of things they don't know about us escaping yet, so if we..."

It was then that an earsplitting alarm burst into life, flooding everywhere with a high pitched whining. Gabe grabbed Quent's hand and they started to run as fast as they could.

They were just turning the corner when up ahead they saw a man dressed in a navy blue guard uniform, his handgun in a holster by his side talking into a radio. As soon as he saw them he grabbed his pistol and was about to fire at them when he suddenly froze.

  "Nice work Gabe. Close one." Quent panted, as they continued sprinting, alarms wailing around them.

The next guard to see them was a little quicker than the last, and managed to shoot a few bullets that ricochetted off the wall right by Gabe's head before he was frozen by a frantic Quent. Suddenly they heard a thundering of heavy boots hitting the floor behind them.

"They're after us!" Gabe yelled.

"We'll freeze them then!" Answered Quent.

"We can't there's too many. Even both of us wouldn't be able to stop that many, we need to move something to block their path!"

By this time they had just gone through the opening to the cafeteria, which was surprisingly pleasant compared to the rest of the building. They stopped for a minute to catch their breath and surveyed their surroundings.

"If we can get enough ovens and fridges and chairs and stuff in the way, they won't be able to get through," Gabe decided.

"That's crazy!" Quent objected. "There's no way we could move all that stuff, we're not strong enough. I work out, but that doesn't mean I could drag a freezer over there in less than a minute."

"I wasn't saying we move them with our bodies. I meant we could move them with our heads. If we focus enough, I'm sure we can do it."

"Well, I've got no better idea," Quent sighed.

They started to stare at the kitchen, and focused with everything they had. Almost every last bit of energy and determination went into shifting the equipment. Painfully slowly, a tangled monster of chairs, microwaves, coffee cups, kitchen knives, cutlery and everything else you'd find in a cafeteria rose up towards them. Straining, they guided the heap of appliances over to the narrow entrance, and let it fall in an ungainly heap, blocking the path into the cafeteria.

Less than a minute later, they heard a pounding at the pile, and angry voices yelling at them through their blockade. Frantically they searched for an exit, until Quent noticed a fire door straight ahead.

"Through there! Quick!" Shouted Quent.

They sprinted through the exit, just as they heard the enormous explosion of a grenade blowing their precious barricade to pieces. The ball of fire was so close that it singed of the closest guard's eyebrows with it's intensity. Once the flames had died down, the guards rushed off in pursuit of them.

Meanwhile, Quent and Gabe ran outside and round the building until they got to a parking lot. They heard the roar of a car starting up, and a truck raced towards them. Quickly, Gabe froze the guard inside the truck, and forced a load of objects from the car to fall onto the brake pedal, and the car shuddered to a halt inches from their faces.

Pulling the guard out of the car, they leapt in and slammed down on the gas pedal, accelerating off and out of the compound.

Finally! Some action! And mystery and stuff. Plus, I pretty much have it planned out from here, so updates should be more frequent. And also,




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