We're a team

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Chapter 23

"What do you mean you have a plan?" Gabe asked.

"Just wait. We'll get in there for sure." Quent confirmed.

"But how? As she said, we'd need at least ten people to even come close to breaking in to that place, and we don't have anyone." Quent sighed.

"You're forgetting something very important." Quent replied. "You're the Captain of the football team."

"I expect you're all wondering why you're here." Gabe said to the large group of teenage boys in front of him.

"It's because we need your help. We need all of you to help us do something totally reckless and absolutely crazy. And the less you know the safer it is for you, so we can't say why. You'll just need to trust us. We've had our differences, but at the end of the day we're a team, and as a team we stick by each other when we're in trouble. This is going to be hard, and dangerous, but we have no other option. You don't have to help us, but it would mean the world to us if you would. So if you don't want to be a part of this, you can leave right now and none of us will hold it against you."

Gabe stood back and watched the sea of faces for a minute. Nobody moved. Then slowly, someone got up and shut the door. Gabe looked at the team in confusion, until someone stepped forward and spoke.

"Look," he said, eyes going round the room. "We don't know what it is that you're messed up in, but I think I speak for all of us when I say that whatever it is, we support you. Things have changed around school recently, people aren't so afraid to be different anymore. And it's better that way. You two started something, something I want to be part of, and so we're all behind you. And no matter what, you'll still be the best damn captain we've ever had."

Slowly, people started clapping, until a great rush of noise dominated the room. Slowly, a smile came over Quent's mouth, and he stepped up to explain the plan.

"We'll go tonight. They won't be expecting us so soon, and they also won't be able to build up their defences too much by then. We'll start by coming in from all for entrances, and then we..."

Five hours later they were ready to go. Corey had hacked into the local council's computer system and got a blueprint of the building, which they used to plan their attack. They had looked at everything into the smallest detail, but Gabe was still a little uneasy. There were just so many things that could go wrong and get one of them hurt, or worse, killed. But it was their only option.

They had to get to the basement vault, since that was the place Corey had said the items were most likely to be. But to do that, they needed to be inside, and past the guards with enough time for them to get in and out with the things. Gabe sat, looking at the building worrying about all the things that could go wrong and waiting for his cue.

Suddenly there was a huge explosion at the back of the building, with an orange and red fireball flaring up into the night sky. Along with two other members of the team, Gabe sprinted into the building and started running to the nearest stairwell down. All around him alarms blared warning signals, and they had to duck into a corner as a few guards ran past.

Frantically, they ran down the staircase and onto another level, with a corridor leading off into darkness. Out of nowhere, a guard popped up and saw them running down the corridor.

"Hey! Hey!" He yelled at them, and started to chase them, talking on his radio.

"The third level has been breached, repeat, the third level has been breached. Urgent assistance needed on the fourth corridor, over."

This spurred Gabe to run on faster, as be could hear the sound of heavy boots starting to give chase. There was a loud crack as the first bullet was fired, and they kept on running until they reached the end if the corridor where it split off.

"You go that way, we'll distract them," Gabe's companions yelled.

They sprinted off down one way, while he was left to race down the other.

Gabe kept on running, down staircase after staircase until suddenly he crashed into someone. He drew back, sitting up, ready to attack when he saw that it was Corey.

"Come on, we have to get to the vault now!" Corey urged, grabbing Gabe's hand so that they could sprint off together.

Together, they sped down even further, Gabe half pulling Corey along because he couldn't run fast enough. After what seemed like an eternity of grey corridors and stairwells, they reached a large room with a gigantic steel door in the middle, the door leading to the vault. Next to it was a small keypad to unlock the enormous door, which Corey immediately rushed over to.

While Corey worked on the door, Gabe stood watch. With no warning, a flurry of feet came down the stairs, and a guard started shouting. Gabe rushed over, and punched him in the face, and the man staggered slightly but kept coming, rushing at Gabe. Gracefully, Gabe sidestepped him and punched him in the gut, bringing him down to the floor. The man was about to go for the gun at his belt, when Gabe grabbed it.

"I've done it, let's go!" Corey yelled, waving at Gabe to come over.

They both ran through the door, and into the vault, slamming the door behind them.

Now I know that I should never try and post two chapters at once. It just doesn't work. First these two chapters were blank, and I had to delete them and re-upload. Now I find out that it was the same chapter repeated, not the two different ones I wrote.

I pledged to do the #JustWriteIt which means I have to do a 50,000 word story in 30 days. So I'm starting a new story for that, a more fantasy story with two princes, so if anyone wants to read that they can. It'll be on my profile soon once I've got it going.

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