Chapter 57

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The next afternoon, I get a call again from Mom. I attend, and she asks me to come over as she wants to discuss something that can't be said on mobile. I pray Dhur and knock at Azar's door, to inform him I am leaving. He doesn't acknowledge me. I repeat myself so that he doesn't scold me later. "Okay," is all he says.

I notice that after our last fight, Azar has adopted a new tactic in dealing with me. He pretends I'm invisible, and honestly, it is healthy for both of our hearts.

I reach home fearing what Mom and Pops want to talk about. What is it that can't be said on phone? Pop answers the door immediately, and we sit with Mom on the lawn.

After saying salams, I sit across them and question, "So what is it you wanted to talk about?"

Mom and Pops share a look, and Mom offers gently, "Do you want some tea first?"

I smell something fishy going on, but I go along with it. "Yeah sure."

"Okay, Abeer, so please hear us out first," Pops requests, leaning forward, and I try to push away my gut feeling that tells me they are going to say something unpleasant.

"Okay, go on," I encourage, trying to keep down my doubts.

Pops looks at Mom as if asking her to begin. "Abeer, dear, you have told us that there is a USB that has evidence against Raheesh, but then that it broke, and someone is getting a copy for you," she sums up, handing me a cup of tea. I nod, taking a sip. "How can you be so sure that it is evidence of Raheesh's existence?"

The question is quite a blow, but I compose myself and reply, "I went to my parents' home a few months back. The owner of the house, who later I got to know turned out to be a friend of Raheesh, kept me hostage there by sedating me with some powerful drugs without my knowledge. I merely thought I stayed there for a few days, but I ended up staying for two months. His ex-servant helped me escape and gave me the USB saying that it contains CCTV footage of the entire time I spent there and I did meet..." I inhale sharply as the memory comes to me. "I did meet Raheesh there."

"Abeer, you said the owner sedated you," Pops points outs when I finish speaking. "Then how come you are sure you really saw him?"

"I can tell the difference between reality and nightmares, Pops," I answer him rather coolly though I am boiling inside. It is okay, Abeer. You can handle this. "I can tell when he is really there or when he is just a figment of my imagination."

"As you have mentioned when you were younger," Mom continues tenderly as if speaking to a ten-year-old, "you said he was very powerful. He was almost capable of everything."

"Yes," I confirm.

"Then I suppose he can know where you are and what you are doing at the moment," she merely states.

There are a few moments of silence before I affirm, "Yes."

"Then why hasn't he done anything, Abeer?" Pops asks in exasperation. "Surely, he knows that you have escaped, and maybe he knows about the USB too. Why hasn't he done anything to retrieve the proof from you?"

"Exactly," Mom backs him up. "Maliha told me that you told her we all are in danger, and so you asked her to convince Noor and Hussain to leave the country. She told us we are to leave too." I feel annoyed as I had made her promise to not tell. "If we really are in danger, then why hasn't he done something to harm us? Aren't four days enough for someone as powerful as him?"

"He is real if that is what you are implying," I persist coldly.

"Abeer, he is dead," Pops presses on, emphasizing every word.

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