Chapter 1

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          "Girls!" Mrs. Bennet, your mother, screamed as she burst into the room where you and your sisters were training. This was nothing unusual, considering your mother's hatred of all the time you and your sisters spent learning how to fight instead of more valuable things such as dancing. 

"Yes, mother?" You asked your mother respectfully, despite how much you wanted to get back to your beloved swordfighting. 

"There's going to be a ball! At Meryton! Tonight!" Your mother's excitement was overflowing and could barely be contained. You didn't mind the news, since balls were always a quite nice experience, though you never danced with anyone. The clothing and the food were the only things that made the whole dancing and meeting men you weren't interested in part tolerable. You were already expecting the same lecture from your mother, how you should try a little harder to look more appealing to the male species. The pressure on you to find a husband was intense, considering you were the eldest. Being 24 and still without a man certainly didn't please your mother. You always argued you didn't need a man, but your mother never seemed to stop introducing you to them. 

"Get ready at once! We cannot afford to be late!" With that, she left, closing the door behind her.

As soon as your mother was gone, Elizabeth, the third eldest daughter, groaned. She wasn't exactly fond of balls.

"Come on Lizzy, it'll be fun!" Lizzy just rolled her eyes at you and your attempt at optimism. You smacked her arm playfully, giggling. She smiled, starting to chase you, both of you laughing and running around the room.

          After picking out all your gowns, you all helped each other get ready, brushing each other's hair and tying each other's gowns. As established zombie fighters, all of you hid daggers underneath your dresses, just in case. You always carried the most, a fact that one of your younger sisters, Lydia, loved to teased you about. 

"What do you plan to do? Behead every man that tries to talk to you?" You would always scold her and tell her never to say things like that again, but she never took you seriously, especially since you suppressed giggles the entire time.

          The time for the ball finally arrived, and you mentally prepared yourself before entering. Once you all arrived to the ball, you started talking to Elizabeth. She was always able to make you laugh, even if there was an overwhelming amount of unmentionables outside. Lizzy had just cracked another joke, causing you to burst out laughing when you spotted two gentlemen walking over. Your mother's voice played in your head, scolding you for being too unladylike as you quieted yourself, managing to contain the giggles that threatened to slip out.

          The gentlemen introduced themselves as Mr. Bingley and Colonel Darcy. You bowed slightly, not wanting to show too much interest. They made swell bachelors, but it wasn't like you were paying much attention to that. Mr. Bingley asked Jane to dance with him, an offer she gladly accepted, letting him lead her away. A small smile crept on your face, though it quickly turned upside down as Mr. Darcy walked away not 3 seconds after. How rude! You thought to yourself, though you refused to let the man get to you. You had not realized you had missed your chance to escape until your mother pulled you by the hand and dragged you a group of men near enough to Mr. Darcy that he could hear your conversation. 

"(Y/N)! You must dance! You are the eldest and you are not even close to engaged!"

A dark blush spread on your face, mostly in embarrassment as you tried to keep your voice down, knowing how important your image was to your mother. 

"No, Mama! I have no intention of marrying any of these men. I refuse to relinquish my sword for a ring!" Your mother's face was filled with rage at this point. Everyone had stopped their dancing to stare, despite your attempts to not make a fuss. 

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Mr. Darcy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now