Chapter 3 (Filler)

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          You were so angry at yourself. For letting yourself get overwhelmed. For getting hurt. For letting yourself fall into Darcy's arms. For letting yourself be taken care of, just like the weak, pathetic women you never  wanted to be. For extending the visit you oh-so-desperately wanted to escape.

          "(Y/N)!" Your eyes shot open at hearing your name. The first thing you saw was Jane, a few loose blonde curls tickling your face. "How are you feeling?" Jane said softly, putting a hand to your forehead. You noticed she still had a blanket draped around her shoulders. "Oh, how the tables have turned." You said, managing a smile. Jane laughed softly. "I'm fine, though." You sat up, deciding not to mention the burning hot pain in your back. "You should be the one resting. Come on." You stood, ready to lead Jane back to her temporary room. "I'm fine!" Jane protested, but just then, as if on cue, she had a coughing fit. "I don't think you're quite well enough yet." You smiled and let your younger sister to her "room." 

          Once Jane was in bed and fast asleep, you decided it was time to join the others. Just as you left the room and shut the door as quietly as you could, you turned only to be met with Mr. Darcy. "Miss Bennet! I thought you would be here. How are you feeling?" You silently groaned as all the memories of being saved by the man in front of you came flooding back. "Fine. Thank you." You started to step around him, but he moved in front of you, almost like a game of Mirror - except this wasn't a game you wanted to play. Not now, anyway. "I-I um," Darcy was clearly struggling for words, and you had no time to put up with more of his nonsense. "If you'll excuse me, I'd like to catch up on everything I've missed." You said, stepping around him again. "Yes. Of course." This time, he stepped aside, clearing a path for you, making no move to stop you. He'd lost his chance.

a/n: i am so sorry for not updating, but i just recently decided to write again. i'll keep writing and will hopefully finish the book tonight so i can put out regular updates. so sorry for making you guys waiting. thank you so so so much for being patient ♡

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