The Meat

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I woke up to Hunter pouring water on me. "Why are you pouring water on me?!" I yelled at him regretting it afterwards because he slapped me hard across the face.

He drug me down the stairs and pushed me down on the chair at the table. "Alexandra, I just want to make this even worse for you, so I am going to go ahead and tell you that the meat you have been eating is human meat." Hunter informed me.

I have been eating human meat? I did not see that coming. I can't believe this. How have I not noticed? Shouldn't it taste different than other meats?

"Alexandra, stop being so dramatic. It's OK." Hunter asked.

"How could it be OK? You are sick! You are eating human meat! I have been eating human meat! I knew you was crazy but I didn't know you was this crazy!" I screamed at him.

"Alexandra, calm down. It is not a big deal. It's just meat." Hunter aggravatingly said.

"Calm down?! How can I calm down when I have been eating human meat Hunter?! I have got to get out of here. I have got to get out of here right now!" I screamed.

"You are not going anywhere. You are staying here!" Hunter informed me. "And you better stop with all that screaming. It's disrespectful!" Disrespectful? Does he not think that what he's doing to me is not disrespectful?! Because it is!

He drug me away from my life! He drug me away from my mom! He drug me away from everything! I will never have a normal life again even if I was to get out of here!

"Oh, I assure you that I will get out of here one way or another." I tell him.

"Doubtful, but congrats on turning into a cannibal." Hunter says with a smirk on his face.

Hunter has had me locked in this bedroom for the remainder of the day. He hasn't even came in here. I heard him and someone else outside the door talking earlier, but it was muffled so I couldn't hear what they were saying.

I still don't know how to get the front door open. It is locked from the outside.

I'm just going to get a shower and lay down. I have nothing better to do with my life right now. I need to keep trying to figure out how to escape.

A few minutes after I got out of the shower Hunter walked in with a plate of meat.

"Eat this." He told me.

"I'm not eating that." I told him. I will never eat that again.

"You need to eat Alexandra." He said.

"Its disgusting." I said to him.

"You didn't think it was disgusting before I told you it was human meat. It still tastes the same!" He yelled at me shoving the plate into my hands.

"I don't care Hunter! I'm not eating that!" I yelled back at him throwing the plate, with so much force, at the door and the meat went everywhere, along with little shards of glass.

Hunter looked at me then looked at the broken plate then looked at me again and he turned around walking out the room and slamming the door.

I can not and will not eat that. It is wrong to eat humans! How could he be so cruel to do that? It's disgusting.

 It is wrong to eat humans! How could he be so cruel to do that? It's disgusting

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Word count, 573.

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