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Alondra observed from the kitchen as Aaron played with kid James, smile on her face. Amelia was cooking lunch for all of them, one extra plate now that Alondra was with them. It had been two weeks since Alondra's fight with Sebastian, meaning she had two more weeks before he was done filming and he would go back to their house. The word home never leaving her lips again. She had talked to Aaron that night, letting all that was on her mind finally out.

"Baby girl, no one said marriage was easy, especially if you married an actor," Aaron said while drinking.

"I know, I am aware. I just never though we would become this couple," Alondra sighed while putting her empty glass of wine down. "Our anniversary is soon and I thought that by then we would have gotten our shit together."

"What you guys have gone through is something I never wish on my worst enemies, but you guys have made it through. If you guys truly want this to work, you have to sit down and have a heart to heart conversation and help each other heal. It is the only way," he said while pouring down more wine on her glass.

"Does he even want that?" She asked looking at him. "Does he even want to work on this marriage?"

"That is a question only he can answer, not me. Ask him next time you talk to him"

He had answered her question, he was looking for some saving. Something he could grab and fix, but at this point she didn't believe there was any saving. Nine months and her marriage in the ruins. She couldn't believe that out of almost three years of marriage, nine were in the ruins. She felt on the limbo, and she could only wait for the next time they saw each other to know if they would last.

"What is on your mind?" Amelia asked, taking Alondra out of her trance.

"Sebastian," she replied and looked back from Aaron to his wife. "My failing marriage, everything."

"Are you going back as soon as he goes back from filiming?" Amelia said, taking plates out of the cabinet to serve the food.

"I don't think so, at least not right away," Alondra said while helping out with taking out the drinks. "I'm not ready yet for whatever is going to happen to us."

"You never will love, but sooner or later you guys have to talk."

Alondra stayed quiet, Amelia called her husband and kid soon after for them to eat. James came running, hugging Alondra before making his way to the bathroom. Aaron came back smiling, kissing his wife as soon as he saw her. That is all Alondra wanted, a happy marriage, a family. Was she too much of a fool for wanting something that was impossible? You can't blame a hopeless girl in love for wanting more.

James came back, and they all sat down to eat. They were all laughing, James talking about how fun it was to play with their dad.

"Auntie Alondra?" The kid said and Alondra just looked at him. "When is Uncle Sebastian going to come?"

Alondra's smile fell, feeling crushed at the question. Amelia noticed this and quickly jumped into the conversation, taking the topic out of the boy's mind. Aaron gave her a sympathetic look, holding her hand for comfort. While Sebastian never got extremely along with Aaron, his kid loved him. It made them want a family more than anything, specially Sebastian. Oh how she missed him.

Sebastian found himself in a bar, in a week he would be going back to an empty house. He knew she wasn't going back soon.

"Long time no see," said a voice and Sebastian looked up, finding Chris Evans sitting down next to him and ordering a drink.

"Well we are not needed on set for some more months, I guess I was taking a break from us," Sebastian joked and Chris only laughed.

Not only they were friends on the movie, but Chris and Sebastian had become close friends off screen. They offered advice to each other, and that was just what Sebastian needed more than anything else.

"How is Alondra?" Chris asked, knowing their situation wasn't a perfect as everyone thought.

"I haven't talked to her in weeks," Sebastian shrugged. "I'm supposed to go back next week and she is not going to be there, and I'm not sure what to expect when she comes back."

"That bad, huh," Chris said while drinking off his beer.

"Everything is just going to hell, man. I don't think there's any saving left to do," Sebastian only shook his head. "I think divorce is were we are headed."

"Wow man," Chris looked at his friend in shock. "Well is that what you want?"

"She thinks I don't love her Chris, even going as far as to have the idea that I would cheat on her. How do I even change that?" He looked devastated as the words came out of his mouth.

"Show her that you love her," Chris simply said. "When she comes back, show her you love her. Put everything that has being going on these past months behind you, start over again. Show her she is everything to you man, go back to the honeymoon. That undying love."

Sebastian let those words sink in, and started drinking again. He had nothing to lose, his marriage was on the edge. Was this the last chance he had? Even if it wasn't, he had to try. It was his turn to try whatever he could before it was all too late and he would lose her. Oh how he missed her.

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