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Alondra sighed as she watched Sebastian finish packing his bags, she knew she couldn't keep him forever. He has to go and promote the movie he had finished months back. It had been hard enough that neither of them were working while she was pregnant as it was their income, but their savings had helped them a lot. He was still working, reading scrips and helping out in any way he could from home. But he couldn't say no to the tour press. As much as he wanted to, he knew it wouldn't help that the protagonist of the movie wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Baby," Sebastian said, getting her attention. "I will be home before you know it."

She hasn't realized she had been crying silently while watching him cry. He walked all the way to where she was to held her in his arms, letting her cry where she felt the most safe.

"Aaron will be here tomorrow as promised, okay?" He assured while she nodded softly.

Sebastian had asked Aaron knowing she was going to need him there more than anyone else. He hasn't seen her in months, after all he had his own family. But Sebastian didn't had to ask twice for Aaron to say yes. At least that way he felt that she was going to be safe.

"I just don't want you to go, what if something happens?" She couldn't stop the tears from coming, and it just broke his heart. "What if we fall out again?"

"We won't. I swear to you we won't," his embrace became a bit more tight but careful enough. "I love you so damn much I won't let us fall apart again, my love. I won't let it happen again."

They stayed like that until her eyes were dry, him whispering sweet nothings into her ear trying to calm her. He sat her down next to his suit case, making sure he could see her as he was trying to pack. She stayed quiet, much to Sebastian dislike. But he couldn't force he to talk, so he did. He talked about anything that came to his mind to keep her from drowning on hers. She would reply softly a couple of times and that was enough for him. Soon enough he was done, putting everything off the bed as he sat next to her, kissing the top of her head.

"You wanna know something?" She just nodded. "Remember that one day we had sex in my car?"

Alondra's cheeks became completely red and her eyes looked in his direction. He smiled, knowing she was going to react just like that. He had that effect on her, especially when talking about sex and that one time. God, that one time.

"Why are you bringing this up?" She asked shyly, feeling her face heat up even more.

"That was the first time we, you know, were together like that. You kept teasing me and I couldn't wait until we got into your apartment, so I had to stop off the side of the road..."

"Before you literally jumped at me," she chuckled remembering that day clearly.

They were on a date to celebrate the success of one of his films, but that night was full of teasing. From the reviling dress she wore, to how his hand gripped her thigh the whole dinner. It was a surprise to her how they didn't do it right there at the restaurant. On their way to her apartment, she kept dancing around, making sure her moves were noticed by him. She even let her hand wander free around his body until he had enough.

"Again, I was being provoked," he said and it made her laugh. "Plus, you were so into it that you waited like ten minutes before asking me about the windows."

"How was I supposed to know the windows were tinted?! I thought everyone could see us!" She hit his arm playfully and that just made him laugh.

"Yeah that just didn't seem to matter while I was kissing you," she rolled her eyes at the comment. "Putting the sex aside, you remember what happened after?"

"When the police officer came to ask if we were okay?" Sebastian shook her head. "Bites me, what else was there?"

"The promise I made you," and then it suddenly hit her. "I promised you that day that was madly and deeply crazy about you, and we were gonna grow old together. That it probably wasn't going to be all candy colors, but I never give up when I love somebody as much as I love you."

Alondra let a small smile appear on her face. That day, even though they weren't oficial yet, she was his and he was hers. She didn't need more. She didn't need a bed full of roses or a big declaration on the Eiffel Tower, she just need his voice and promise. That was all she ever wanted from him.

"I'm not about to break that promise, especially when we have a little one coming our way," he said, this time placing his hand on top of hers, intertwining their fingers. "I will be back before you know, there's no way in hell I'm missing the birth of our little angel."

"You better be, I'm not going through that pain all alone."

"You will never be alone, Alondra," he said kissing the top of her hand. "You will never be alone."

The rest of the day went by easy. Sebastian kept her mind occupied so she wouldn't have another break down before he had to leave, and when it was time he would assure her to the galaxies that nothing would ever change. He didn't want to leave her, god, he just wanted to stay with her forever. But time was up. He grabbed his bags while she walked him to the door, holding again the tears.

"I will be back before you know, alright?" She just nodded, knowing that if she said something she would break down again. "I love you so much Alondra."

"I love you too, Sebastian," she said before kissing him goodbye.

He left seconds after that, her heart breaking even more than before. She trusted him, and she wanted to believe him so bad. But she couldn't help but be betrayed by her own thoughts. Would he find someone else? Would he cheat? Would he leave her? Would they drift? She walked by to their shared room, not even bothering to change clothes, before laying down on their shared bed and trying to put her mind at ease. His I love you playing on her mind as she held tight to her teddy bear that she used when he was away. He will be back soon, he will be back soon, she kept telling herself. That night she cried herself to sleep, trying hard to hold onto the hope he left her.

Neptune ↠ Sebastian Stan [✓]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora