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     Alondra had been in bed since she woke up, Nicky bring breakfast to her. He knew better than to push her buttons. Lately she had been feeling worse than ever, imagining that now her mental state was becoming her physical one. She wanted nothing more than to be in Sebastian's arms. Every time she got sick he just knew what to do, and being with him brought her a sense of peace no one else could. Oh what wouldn't she give to be with him. Nicky had held her the night before as she cried out for him. She felt embarrassed, but oh what was a girl in love supposed to do? A girl with a broke heart, that wanted nothing more than to go home.

The bell rang, making Alondra sighed. Maybe Nicky had left the keys inside, he was out trying to get something to make her feel better. She got up, the bell ringing again. What was up with him and his hurry? She went to the door, and what a surprise she got when she found someone else at the door.

"Sebastian?" She asked believing she was dreaming. "What are you doing here?"

"I came here to talk," he said softly taking a look at her.

She felt his eyes on her, and she quickly noticed why. She was wearing one of Nicky's shirt, and she could sense Sebastian completely mad about it. He knew it wasn't one of his, and who else was with her. Her cheeks became red, embarrassed before taking again.

"Come in," she moved away from the door and he walked in. "Before you say anything, I'm wearing his shirt because I threw up last night and this is the comfiest thing I found."

He only nodded before taking a look at the place, his stuff all over it. He remembered the first time he had come to this apartment, Alondra was pissed at him and had came to Winter for some comfort. He came, without being told to, and after Winter almost bit his head off, he had fixed everything. He knew this time it would be harder to fix everything.

"I know I'm probably the last person you want to see, but we can't keep going on like this," Sebastian admitted before looking at her.

She took a look at him and it wasn't hard to see he wasn't going great either. He had bags under his eyes, he hasn't shaved in a while, his clothes were a mess just like his hair. She realized that it wasn't just her dying here, it was him too.

"I signed the papers, I thought you would take care of it," Alondra leaned against the wall, feeling herself get dizzy again.

"I don't want a divorce Alondra," Sebastian sighed before walking closer to her. "I want you, I want us, I want this to be like it was."

"Isn't it too late for that?"

"Not if we are both willing to work on it," he said taking her hands on his. "I know I fucked up big time."

"It wasn't just you Sebastian," she interrupted him. "I played a part too in driving us apart."

"And I'm willing to do anything to fix us. I know we can still try Alondra," he said trying to get her to look at him. "There's still love enough for us to try. We can start all over, forget the last months ever happened."

"I don't think I can forget months of suffering Sebastian," she stated taking her hands away from him. "I can't forget it. I can't forget crying myself to sleep every night. I can't forget missing you. I can't forget seeing you happy with other people. I cant forget the hurtful words we said to each other, or the distance we created. I can't forget it Sebastian. Especially those damn papers."

"Those papers were old! I was not planning on divorcing you Alondra. I got them before I even left for filming, in case that if I came back and we couldn't keep going that was our solution. But I don't want that," Sebastian raised his voice. "I fucking love you and I'm so stupid it took me a long time to realize I'm terrified of lose you."

Alondra had tears in her eyes, she had what she wanted right in front of her, but why couldn't she just let him in again.

"Please, Alondra, I'm begging you. Come home, give me one more chance."

Just as those words left his mouth, Alondra's headache became worse to the point she lost her balance and felt into his arms. Sebastian expression changed within seconds, fear all over his body.

"Alondra?" He moved her face, seeing her eyes close and no answer. "Alondra? Alondra!"

His worse nightmare was becoming a reality.

Sebastian picked her up without hesitation, walking out the door and all the way to his car. He set her down in the back seat and speeded off to the closest hospital. He didn't stop at a single red light, for him it was more important to get her help as soon as possible.

Within minutes he was running through the hospitals doors, Alondra body in his arms as he screamed for help at the top of his lungs. Doctors came rushing, taking her away from him, and for the first time he let himself cry as he watched her go away.

Don't go.

     Minutes became hours, and he was slowly dying.

"Sebastian?" He heard a voice and as he looked up he saw the man that Alondra had been with lately. "Is she okay?"

"I haven't heard anything yet," Sebastian said before the man talking to him took a seat next to him. "How did you know we were here?"

"It's all over social media, the pictures of you rushing with Alondra in your arms," Nicky said and Sebastian looked at him. "It wasn't hard to find what hospital was closest."

Sebastian noticed he had red eyes, he was crying too. He had no idea how much he was hurting.

"Listen, whatever happens to her, just know that she's madly in love with you. And if you don't fix this situation I will break your face," Nicky said, gaining the other man's attention. "She has been dying inside without you man, you're her everything."

"I thought you loved her?" Sebastian asked completely confused.

"I love her as a little sister, what I did was just to piss you off enough to do something. She's too stubborn to come to you again, so this is in your hands."

Silence overcame the place until a nurse walked up to Sebastian. He didn't pay much attention, only getting the room number Alondra was in. He walked in an almost running matter to her room. He wouldn't be able to finally breath until he saw her.

He reached the door, opening it slowly to find Alondra in a bed with cables connect to her. She was awake, her eyes going to his as he walked in. She was exhausted to even talk. He just walked in, closing the door behind him and keep going until his face was in front of hers before kissing her. She felt tears on his face, not only hers but his too.

"Fuck, don't ever do that to me again," he said holding her hands, his voice breaking. "I thought I lost you. I have never been so afraid in my life before."

"I'm sorry," Alondra mumbled while wiping his tears away.

"Just don't leave me, Alondra."

She just nodded, and the doctor walked in within minutes.

"Well Mrs. Stan, you for sure gave everyone a big scare," the woman said while holding some papers. "Nothing but good news though."

"What do you mean?" Sebastian asked lost in what the doctor meant.

"I'm guessing you guys didn't know, but congratulations! Alondra, you're pregnant."

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