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     It was pouring rain, the first rain at the new house. Their bedroom was complete silence, except for what was now the silent cries of Alondra. While Sebastian was out, she took it upon herself to read comments on the post he had made. Some people were lovely, but the majority were just too cruel. She had always received hate, and Sebastian had helped her with it. Ever since they started dating it just got worse, but he was there. No matter how many times she felt it wasn't enough, he had made her stay. But now it was her baby that made her worry. Would the baby grow out in a world that already hated it without knowing first what kind of person it was?

The sound of keys juggling together would have alerted her, but she was far too distracted by her own thoughts to realized Sebastian had come back home. The pouring rain just made it even harder for her to hear him calling her.

"Alondra? I got what you needed," Sebastian called for her and heard no reply. "Doll?"

He found it weird. Last time he did a trip, Alondra was waiting for him by the door ready to grab her food out of his hands. Now, she wasn't visible. Ghost. He left the food in the kitchen before walking upstairs as he continued to call her. He soon reached their room, the door slightly open, before walking in and noticing the mascara on her cheek.

"Love? What is going on?" Sebastian said as he ran to her side and checking if she was fine, if the baby was fine. "Baby what is going on?"

She only shook her head as a reply, embarrassed to even admit what she had been doing.

"Alondra, baby, please tell me what is going on so I can help you."

"I did the stupid thing you told me to never do again," she mumbled as he looked at her confused.

She pointed at her phone and it hit him. She had been going through the comments again. He sighed before his arms wrapped around her and she broke down crying again.

"I'm so sorry," she cried out before he shushed her, his hand tracing circles on her back to calm her.

"You got nothing to be sorry about sweetheart," his soft voice was calming her. "Nothing at all."

He kept talking to her in order to calm her cries. He hated to see her like this, and he didn't want her to be upset. Not only was it bad for the baby but, god, how it broke his heart to see her like this. He had done this millions of times before, he didn't mind doing it again and how many times it was necessary for her to know it was okay to not be okay. Time passed and Sebastian noticed her cries had stopped, and when he checked he noticed she was asleep in his arms. He laid her down before taking off his shoes and laying down with her, his arms protectively around her as he kissed the top of her head before drifting into his own thoughts.

He wanted to protect her from everything, and he knew he couldn't but he wanted to so much. To be the armor around her and the baby, and not let anything bad happen to both of them. He knew it was impossible but he had promised himself he was going to do everything in his power to make her the happiest woman ever. Not only to himself but to Alondra's father before he passed away. He remembered being so scared of him, and it wasn't until he passed away that he learned that her father actually liked him. Alondra had grown up with her father only, which made him overly protective of her. She had no other relatives, she only had her friends and Sebastian to lean on. He knew this was hard on her, he was aware of how much she missed.

It was a couple of nights before that she had asked him if she would be a good mother, and he stopped everything he was doing to assure her she was going to be the best mom ever. She didn't have a good role model growing up as a mother figure. This was a whole new level of scary, but she had him. And he was never going to let her forget that.

The next morning he woke up before her, and he just stayed looking at her for a while. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful. Just by looking at her he could remember the precise moment he fell in love with his wife, the only woman he had eyes for. He slowly moved from the bed, careful enough to not wake her up as he made his way to the kitchen. He started working on breakfast for her without making a mess of the place or misplacing things. He tried to not be loud, but Alondra noticed the missing body next to her when she woke up later. She heard noise in the kitchen, and that is where she went while wearing his shirt and her feet naked. She chuckled softly while seeing Sebastian talk to himself and cursing, making him notice her.

"Baby, what are you doing up?" He asked while setting everything down to go to her, his hands cupping her face and kissing her softly. "I wanted to surprise you."

"It's alright, I am still surprised," she smiled looking around the place and then back at him. "Can you just come back to bed with me?"

He looked at her a bit shocked, but upon looking at her face he saw her pleading eyes and he just nodded. They went back to bed to be in each other's arms, their safe haven.


So this took longer to update than usual and it is because things aren't going as good as they should be, so I apologize. But in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am thankful for all of you and the support you guys show to this book. I am also thankful for Sebastian Stan who cheers me up when I'm completely down which is a lot lately. And in my apology for this big delay that won't happen again, I uploaded a Tom Holland book that is in a way lighter than this one. Its called Kids In the Dark in case anyone feels like reading that crap. Again, I'm sorry, thank you, and enjoy!

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