Chapter Three

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Chapter Three – Kaden Reid.

A week has passed and every night the wolves seem to howl. At first it was annoying because it would either jolt me out of sleep or I was trying to go to sleep in the first place. Either way I wasn't winning. But by mid-week I found myself slowly drifting off to sleep with the echoing howls, the sound calming me completely instead of frightening me like before.

Now I'm making my way down the stairs, feeling refreshed and full of energy to start the day. Maddox and Eva are already up for work and have made a start on breakfast. I greet them and ask if they need any help. Since we are up early they have decided on chocolate chip pancakes.

I grab the bowl from Maddox when he asks me to whisk the batter together. Eva places the pan on the cooker so it will heat up in time whilst Maddox grabs the chocolate chips out of the cupboard. I stop whisking so that he could pour them in, yelling at him to stop when he tries to put the whole packet in. Maddox has a sweet tooth and knows no limits.

I fold the chocolate chips into the batter before setting it by the cooker and handing the ladle to Eva. She grins mischievously at me in return as I back away.

"Take a seat Luna, your bad luck might rub off on me when I flip the pancakes." She teases making me swat her arm playfully.

You see, I can't flip a pancake to save my life. Whenever I'm in the mood to eat them, I always turn them onto the other side with a spatula. My parents, my brother, Eva and Maddox have all failed to teach me and we had a lot to clean up after because sometimes I would flip it too soon and cause it to break or I would flip it too hard that it would end up somewhere in the kitchen. I'm tragically bad.

Whilst we chat, Eva would pour the batter into the pan and Maddox would flip it once it's cooked perfectly on one side. As they make breakfast, I busy myself in setting the table with plates and cutlery and a pitcher of fresh orange juice we get from the store down the road.

In no time at all, they have joined me at the dining table with a stack of pancakes. I place three on my plate with some fruits and whipped cream before digging in. Taking a bite, I look up to see Eva staring at Maddox's plate in disgust.

"It's too little, isn't it?" He frowns down at his pancakes that are covered in maple syrup, whipped cream, fruits and Nutella.

"I swear, you're either going to end up in the hospital some day or all your teeth are going to fall out!" She rolls her eyes when he grins cheekily before turning to me. "When do you have to be at work?"

"Around nine. What about you guys?"

"Half eight, I finish at four today." Maddox replies with his mouth full making me shake my head at his antics.

"I start at nine but I finish at six, thank god for that because I'm already tired." Eva grumbles, cutting up a piece of her pancake.

"Ugh, I finish at eight." I groan, pouring myself some juice.

"Oh sh*t." Eva replies at the same time Maddox mutters "that sucks."

I shrug and we continue with our breakfast before Maddox must leave, Eva following soon after. I quickly tidy up the kitchen and wash the dishes before getting ready for work. The hospital Eva is on placement for is further than mine so she always leaves thirty minutes early.

I change into my uniform before slipping on my comfortable shoes. Next, I start working on my hair which has dried slightly from the shower I took this morning. I blow dry it before styling it so that my brown strands fell into loose waves around my face. I keep my makeup simple and light for today and finish quickly.

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