Chapter Twenty-One

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*Important Note: I had said before that Luna doesn't speak German/Dutch but because I realized where she's attending university, I made a few changes. Luna speaks German but that doesn't mean this story should be told in German. It is told in English.

Readers are expected to assume that she is speaking German if she converses with a lecturer or someone who doesn't speak English. Again, I reiterate that I don't know much about Germany/The Netherlands so I don't know if some people can speak English there. I don't mean to offend anybody, my mistakes are obviously never intentional.

All the characters speak in English, German/Dutch where necessary but I will not be putting in any German/Dutch if they speak it. Readers are expected to assume. 

Chapter Twenty-One - Christmas!

I wake up to the sound of knocking on my door and my mother telling me to get up and meet everyone downstairs. I sigh and roll over to lie on my back, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. When I check my phone, I see the date and smile widely. It's Christmas!

Making my way into the bathroom, I use the toilet, brush my teeth and wash my face before turning off the light and walking out. I had taken a late shower last night when Nick and I returned from our long drive around the city. The night had ended with us talking about random things, eating food and getting drunk in the kitchen.

And because Nick had felt the need to splash beer into my face whilst I was laughing, I had to take a shower before bed last night. Yes, of course I got him back. His hair and shirt were soaked with vodka by the time I was done with him. But, we did come back down to clean up because our mother would kill us if we left a mess.

I decide to stay in my festive onesie and as I walk out of my room, an idea forms in my head. I see Nick's bedroom door closed and start tiptoeing towards it, not wanting to be caught. Opening it as quietly as I can, I sneak in and make my way towards his bed. My brother is sleeping on his stomach, snoring loudly with the sheets down to his waist. I take the glass from his bedside table and fill it up with cold water before walking back into his room.

"Merry Christmas ya filthy animal!" I yell at the top of my lungs, successfully waking him before throwing the water onto his shirtless back.

He screams like a girl which makes me cackle evilly, running out of the room with him chasing me. He catches me by the stairs and tackles me to the ground, putting me in a headlock. I struggle with increased vigour, kicking and punching him before he pins me to the floor and lets out a stinky fart.

Shrieking, I shove him forcefully which causes him to get off me. Gasping, I try to get fresh air back into my lungs whilst glaring at him as he rolls on the floor laughing his pants off.

"What the hell did you eat last night?!" I ask, watching as his blue eyes light up in amusement.

"I can't really remember, but whatever it was I need to do it again!" He smirks, ruffling his blonde hair so that it is away from his eyes.

I scowl at him, knowing I was going to experience this before I go back to Berlin. Before I can say anything else, our parents call us downstairs and I get up with a sigh. When Nick and I were younger we would always unwrap our presents first but as we got older, we now had a light breakfast first.

My Mum makes pancakes while I get the fruits and other toppings we usually have with them. Dad makes us some scrambled eggs with bacon and toast while Nick gets the juice and sets the table. After the food is on the table, we sit down and take some of each. I take pancakes first and pile them with chocolate drizzle and fruits.

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