Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two – Back to Berlin.

Today was the day that my holidays had come to an end and it was time to head inside the airport. I was outside the car with my suitcase, backpack and a heavy heart. Nick is leaving tomorrow night but everyone still came to see me off.

"Call me as soon as you land okay?" My mother demands softly, dabbing at the tears in her eyes with a tissue.

"Aw, mum. Don't cry, I'll be back soon." I pull her into a tight embrace, rubbing her back to calm her down.

"I can't help it, I won't be able to see you both until next break!"

Nick and Dad wrap their arms around us two in a group hug, making me laugh. It was sad to say goodbye but I know I have to return for my studies. I hug everyone tightly and tell them how much I will miss them. Glancing at my watch, I know I should be heading inside now to check in and board.

"I love you guys, we'll chat once I land in Berlin!" I wave, backing away from my family.

"I'll miss you princess." My Dad replies, a sad expression on his face.

Whenever I left for college, my Dad found it the hardest to say goodbye because he was very protective over me. They had already experienced it with Nick when he had gotten into New York for his studies but since I was the last child to leave the nest, my parents always became slightly emotional.

I run back to him and give him another tight hug before kissing his and my mother's cheek, finally making my way inside the airport. With one last look at my family, I wave and step inside.


I make my way into Arrivals and collect my luggage from the conveyor belt. The weather is still chilly in Berlin when I step outside and the clouds are grey. I hear someone shout my name and look to the right, a wide smile instantly gracing my lips when I spot the familiar person.

I rush over, letting go of my luggage bag when I was close enough, before jumping into Kaden's arms. Immediately, he picks me up and hoists me onto his waist. I wrap my arms around his neck, my dark brown hair falling around us like a curtain, shielding us from others view.

His pretty blues are staring into my chocolate browns, taking me in as I do the same. Kaden has a grin on his face as he tucks a strand of my hair behind one ear before pressing his lips to mine. I instantly melt into his touch and kiss him back, pulling him closer.

Sparks and tingles greet me and I welcome them with open arms, enjoying the feel of him again after what felt like forever apart. When the lack of air becomes a matter of priority and we pull apart, I rest my forehead against his, rubbing my thumb across his bottom lip.

"Welcome back, Luna." He whispers, kissing my forehead before smiling happily.

"It's good to be back." I reply, standing on my own two feet again.

"Ready to go?" He asks, intertwining our hands and grabbing my luggage bag with the other.

I nod with a smile and he leads me to the parking lot. We find his Mustang in no time before he places my luggage and backpack in the trunk and gets in the driver's seat. I strap my seat belt on before calling my parents, letting them know that I have landed safely and am currently on my way to the house.

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