TREAT Bonus Chapter!

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Luna Reid's P.O.V.

I mind link Rico to check on Nathan and he confirms that my son is playing with the other children at the pack house. Since Amelia is now six years old Kaden and I are going to finally let Ajax meet her in his full form. However, in order to do so we had to get Nate out of the house since he's only five.

"Ready?" I'm brought out of my thoughts when Kaden walks onto the patio holding Amelia's hand.

As it's Halloween today she's dressed as Belle in a yellow gown with a tiara to match. She smiles widely when she sees me but frowns when Kaden and I start to guide her to the back of the house. I hush her when she whimpers softly at the sight of the forest. She's terrified of even walking through it to the pack house because one day she got lost in it for hours and has had nightmares since.

"It's okay, baby. You're safe with us." I murmur as I crouch down to her height.

"I-I thought we were going trick or treating?" She whispers as she cuddles up to me.

"We are but there is something we need to tell you. It'll be our secret." Kaden replies which immediately catches her attention.

"Only ours? What about Nathan?" She frowns in confusion but her eyes sparkle with curiosity nonetheless.

"We'll tell him on his next birthday." He explains and kneels before her on the grass. "Now, first you must promise me you won't tell any other children who are younger than you."

"I promise!" She holds out her pinky and I chuckle over how eager she sounds.

Kaden smiles down at her in adoration before closing his pinky around hers. "Alright, do you remember the stories about wolves?"

"About how some people can turn into wolves?" She asks with her little nose scrunched up.

"Exactly." He nods before glancing at me unsure. I nod with a comforting smile and he exhales deeply. "Well, I need you to keep a secret for me. And that secret is that your dad can also turn into a wolf."

Kaden and I hold our breaths as silence ensues. Amelia's eyes have widened in surprise and it's like she's frozen. I don't know whether to take this as a good sign or a bad one. Kaden looks at me in slight panic and I gesture for him to stay calm while I rub her back.

"Really?" She eventually asks in a small voice but it changes to one of excitement the second Kaden and I nod in confirmation. "Can I see?!"

"Uh...sure. Let me go shift." Kaden laughs breathlessly as he stands and walks into the forest.

I place Amelia on my lap as we wait for him to undress and shift. Our daughter stares at the forest with an expectant look as her hands clench and un-clench the material of her dress. But then I hear some shuffling and a familiar grey colored wolf walks out from the mass of trees. The iciness of his blue eyes seem to soften when he stares at Amelia who gasps at the sight of him. I can see that he's hesitant to make any movements in case she becomes frightened but Amelia reacts better than I thought she would.

"No way!" She squeals excitedly before scrambling off my lap and running to the wolf.

My heart races at the thought of something happening to her by accident but thankfully she stops just a few feet away from Ajax. She tilts her head to the side as she stares at him before turning to me with a nervous expression.

"Mom...can you come with me?" She asks which makes me melt.

"Of course, honey." I smile and walk up to her. I take her hand and step closer to Ajax who waits patiently. "This is Ajax."

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