Chapter 4: Being Alone Together

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AN: Okay, the mature rating is going on lol (the book made it to #216 in the chick lit rankings, so yay! and thanks!), which means that smut is coming up! If it ain't your thing, skip this chapter. But this isn't the last time, so you're going to end up having to skip quite a bit, because I write a lot of it. All of my stories are filled with it, in fact.

Anyway, consider yourselves warned!

Kelsey set her stuff down and headed for the bedroom, where a light was still burning. Even though it was much later than planned, Jack said he'd be waiting up for her. She entered the room smiling, and her smile only grew when she saw him, sitting up in bed, a book open on his lap, fast asleep.

She took a fast shower and put on one of his old shirts, leaving it unbuttoned, and sat on the edge of the bed next to him. He didn't even twitch when the mattress dipped. Kelsey slipped the book from under his hands, closing it and setting it on the table next to the lamp.

She leaned in and ghosted a kiss on his jaw, then moved up to press one on his lips, sliding a hand up his muscular thigh at the same time.

"Jack?" she called. She kept her voice soft, but it didn't matter.

His eyelashes fluttered for a moment, then he opened his eyes to look at her, smiling as he chased her mouth to pull her back for a more emphatic kiss. His tongue pressed against her lips as he pulled her head to his, opening her mouth to taste her, moaning, making her curl her toes from the sound.

She broke the kiss and pulled back, laughing at the surprise she saw in his eyes. She scooted all the way across the bed until she was leaning against the footboard. She grinned at him, holding the shirt she wore closed across her front.

"What are you doing all the way over there, missy thing?" Jack asked. "I mean, I know I'm pretty amazing, but even I can't reach that far."

"You can't, but I can," Kelsey replied. At Jack's look of confusion, she let go of her shirt, spreading it open, showing Jack what she was wearing, or not wearing, under it. She leaned back a little, planting her feet, legs spread, on the mattress. She smiled again, a little smile, one eyebrow slightly raised, a smile that was way more sexy than an openly lascivious and knowing one would've been. She put her hands on her knees, opening them up just a little bit more, in a gesture so wanton and inviting that Jack nearly lost his mind right then and there.

He swallowed, suddenly feeling like there wasn't enough air in the room. His pajama bottoms, which had been loose and comfortable when he put them on, now felt like they were strangling his hips and nether regions. His head was pounding, though he found it difficult to believe there was any blood left circulating in it.

Kelsey looked incredible. In the glow of the lamplight, with his old blue shirt hanging off her, she looked like a beautiful, erotic photograph come to life. Her hair, in a dusky washerwoman's knot, softly framed her face with the soft, dark strands that had escaped and curled around her neck.

Her breasts, that Jack loved to kiss and squeeze and touch, were moving up and down with her gentle breaths. They were white and round, the blue veins prominent, the centers and nipples looking supple and soft from her shower, the same shade as her dark lips.

The skin of her narrow waist looked so smooth and beautiful, showing the fitness and tone of the months of intensive swimming, and Jack could see the light reflecting off the firmness of her flexed thighs, and cute scar on her knee. Between her legs, Jack could see her sex, soft and pretty, already looking wet and pink, shining for him.

Kelsey felt his eyes on her like a physical thing, blazing a blistering trail down her body. She could hear his breathing, see the flush of red on his shoulders and chest as he got excited, just from looking at her. She could even see the thickening between his legs, and all of it made her hot, made excitement begin coiling in her belly and in her own sex.

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