Chapter 16: Giving Thanks

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They finally arrived at Jack's childhood home after ten o'clock that night. When they got out of the car the air smelled pleasantly of smoke and leaves, and other things that Kelsey associated with her own childhood in Iowa.

"Wow, Jack, look how clear the sky is," Kelsey gasped, looking up. "You can actually see the Milky Way!"

"Yeah, well, when it's cold that's usually what it looks like, especially when there's no moon," Jack responded. "You've seen sky like that before, haven't you? Back in Iowa?"

"Not since I was really little," Kelsey said, still staring.

"So do you want to go inside, or would you rather stand here in the driveway a bit longer?" Jack asked, his lips right next to her ear.

"Are you making fun of me again?" Kelsey asked, nudging her boyfriend.

"Never!" he said, backing away from her quickly. "Now come on." And he pulled her along.

No one was inside, but they could see a glow from the backyard.

"They're out by the fire pit," Jake said.

They left their bags by the stairs and went outside, where the rest of the family was gathered by a huge fire pit, enjoying the beautiful night. Spidey got up and stretched, trotting over to greet them, tail wagging.

"There they are," Anne called.

John rose also. "Let me mix up some hot toddies for you guys," he said. "Pull up some chairs, the fire's nice tonight."

Kelsey said hello to Jeremy and Julian, hugging both boys as well as their parents.

There was a waist high break wall built in a square around the patio that did a pretty good job of holding the heat in, Kelsey discovered, and there was even an extra large chair that would accommodate both her and Jack comfortably.

They had just sat down and gotten comfortable with their drinks when Anne came and floated a warm blanket down over their laps, tucking it snugly around them.

"Oh wow, this is so wonderful," Kelsey said. "Thank you so much." She leaned her head on Jack and took a sip of her warm drink. "You know, I've never actually had a hot toddy before. I don't think I know what they are."

"They're a lovely bit of alcoholic heaven," Anne said with a smile, "bestowed upon us by the wise old Irish. This is my gran's recipe, with real Irish whiskey."

Kelsey took another appreciative sip. She could taste cinnamon, lemon, honey, and maybe cloves. "What are you drinking?" she asked Jack.

"You can substitute tea," Jack told her. "Tastes just as good, I think."

They sat outside for about an hour, talking about nothing in particular, as Kelsey sipped her toddy and burrowed into Jack for warmth.

"You're so warm," she murmured. "I've never known anyone who puts out this much body heat, it's absolutely amazing."

"Pretty neat, huh?" he responded with a smile.

"Sexy as fuck is what I was going to say," Kelsey said, looking at his mouth.

She could see Jack's eyebrows shoot up. "Really?"

She nodded, sliding her hand up his thigh under the blanket.

Jack shifted, his eyes moving from person to person. No one was looking at them.

He let out a breath, putting his drink aside with a hand that shook. He pulled the blanket up higher, pulling her closer with the hand that was under it.

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