Chapter 20: Ugly Words

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Jack worried all night, and hardly slept at all. Zach, who was sharing a room with him, heard him tossing and turning most of the night. As a result, he swam like crap the next day, adding time to his events, and not even really caring.

His texts to Kelsey went unanswered, and all he wanted to do was go home. He was first on the bus, and sat tensely all the way back to Los Angeles, barely responding when spoken to. Even with his lackluster performance, UCSM had won the meet, so the mood on the bus was jubilant, but Jack didn't participate in the partying and jovial banter.

Marian, who was sitting next to him, tried to talk to him.

"Jack? What are you going to do if she asks you to stop seeing me?" she asked.

He looked over at her, giving her his full attention for the first time.

"She wouldn't do that," he said.

"She might," Marian said.

"You think she would?" he mused.

"I think that if she did, it would be indicative of a deeper problem with your relationship than you've considered up to now," Marian replied.

"Really?" Jack was surprised. "You don't think it might just be a typical girl thing? Just a normal girl response? I mean, don't you guys get all riled up about practically nothing?"

Marian laughed, nudging Jack. "That's sexist, and very insulting, Jack LaGuardia. I'm just saying that no one in her position, world famous and known for being beautiful and all that, should have anything to fear from little old me, you know?" She nodded, encouraging Jack to agree with her. "And if she has that extreme a reaction to me, she really has some issues, that's all."

Jack pondered her words.

"Think about it, Jack," Marian continued. "It makes no sense for Kelsey to be jealous of me, does it? Have you ever given her any reason to be? Have you ever even hinted that there could be anything going on between us?"

Jack shook his head.

"And yet when she sees us like she did last night, out in public, with your friends, doing absolutely nothing, with a plausible explanation that she could confirm with one or two questions," and here Marian gestured to her ankle, which was still swollen and taped, "she completely flies off the handle and runs away. That's kind of abnormal, you know? Almost unbalanced, I think."

She gave Jack a serious look.

"All I'm saying is that you should be a little bit wary of someone who gives out ultimatums, that's all," she concluded. "We've gotten to know each other pretty well, I think, and I like you. I'd hate to lose you and your friendship because your girlfriend was insecure, you know?" She smiled. "And if your relationship is as serious as you say, shouldn't she trust you?"

This really made Jack think.

He did go to the back and talk to Zach a little bit, asking his advice, but even Zach couldn't really help.

"Jackie Boy, I just don't know," Zach admitted. "Kelsey's not like regular girls, you know? She's so famous she redefines the word."

"I know," Jack agreed. He picked at some lint on his sweats morosely. "I mean, I can explain until I'm blue in the face that there's nothing going on between me and Marian, but it doesn't seem to help, you know? It's almost like she doesn't want to believe me or something." He turned confused hazel eyes to his friend. "Was I doing anything wrong?"

Zach shook his head. "No man, you weren't. She was hurt, you were helping, you guys are just friends. I mean, I guess you could say it was wrong of you not to tell her in the first place about Marian coming to our work outs, but seeing how Kelsey flipped out about seeing you guys together, it's perfectly understandable, you know? What are you supposed to do, never spend time with an unattached woman again, ever?"

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