1.The consequences of drinking

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"I'm telling you, you dimwit, chicks don't sleep with me because I'm Damon Stark they do me because well I am awesome." I said.

"Ok prove it," Mark challenged, knowing I could not resist the bait. This sounded interesting.

"Fine. . .tonight at Blackout.I will take a girl to bed without her knowing my identity."

"No.How stupid do you think I am?Everyone in that club knows you...I pick the club"

"Fine with me. Leave. Unlike you, I have work to do." He left my huge office.I didn't lie I actually had a lot of work to do but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

The business was my father's life and it was time for my brother and I to take over. My trampy assistant brought paperwork to my office not failing to sway her hips hoping to seduce me.She's got some nerve.She barely been here for a week.It's a good thing I usually keep two assistants.

The only reason I had not fired her was because I had slept with her and I did not want a scandalous law suit.

I went through the paperwork concerning the business deal with Castro Enterprises.I was reluctant to work with Sebastian Castro.The man was known for having a hot temper and he was not a man to mess with.

The deal would make the company and myself a lot of money.I owned a construction company and Sebastian wanted to an additional branch for his company in Miami.I was hoping to land him as a client.

I also wanted to buy to shares of his company.His was one of the best agribusiness and marketing companies in the planet.Recently I had been looking into the agribusiness sector and I wanted to join in.

Other than his hot temper Sebastian and I could make friends.

I jumped from meeting to meeting that afternoon.I was used to the work load.I went home late in the night.

Mrs.James, my loyal house keeper had already left,with my dinner in the microwave since I was late.She was the longest standing relationship I had had with a woman in years .Most of mine ended within days weeks if they get lucky.Life was just the way I like it.


The next morning getting to the office I got a call from Mark the second I sat fown at my desk.It was six in the morning so I knew he wasn't at the office yet.

"It's called Neon.New.At the far end of the city.Tonight."

"Good morning to you too " I gre "...have the driver pick me at the office at...seven"

"Not all men have drivers of their own."

"How about this?The challenge will be to walk out of the club with me Ok "

"Fair enough "he hung up and I began doing y work.

We got to the club at eight o'clock.It was kind of far.I told my bodyguards to wait outside the club.But one of them went in with me and stood where I could reach him if he was need.I only had bodyguards just in case something unexpected happened otherwise I could take care of myself.

It was loud from the usual booming music.The place was filled with parting girls and horny men.Everyone was either intoxicated or high.At least that's what I gathered as I walked in.Mark and I sat at the bar instead of the VIP section on the floor above us.

I was picking out my target when I got a call.

I went outside to answer it away from all the noise.

"...Fix it... NOW!" I roared at the useless employee on the other end of the city.Before I could make my way back into the club using the back door a girl whose face I didn't get a chance to see zoomed out.Her back was to me the whole time she threw up.I didn't know what to do so I just watched.

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