23.Jonathan Stark

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Early that morning I was already sitting in my office,well my other office that was Castro Enterprises.I only wanted the office in order to be closer to my darling,Andrea .Speaking of Andrea,she had not gotten there yet and I was eagerly awaiting her arrival.

I got a call from the reception on the office line.

"Mr.Stark,t-there is someone here to see you .Jonathan S-Stark."The lady on the other side if the line informed,her voice was shaky .My heart began racing the second she said who it was that wanted to see me.

I had not seen this coming ,though I should have .It had slipped my mind.

Father liked visiting the company to make sure that I had not burnt the building to the ground as he would put it .He must have gone to Stark Towers and not found me now he was here to reprimand me . That is what he does most of the time.

He knows very well that I can handle the company on my own without him yet he still drags his into town from the his mansion in the Long Beach every two weeks .Does this man even know the meaning of retirement?

"Uh sir,do I send him In?"I had forgotten about the lady on the phone.

"Yes."I responded running my hands through my hair .Father was the only one who had ever been able to make me nervous...sometimes scared.

The second I hung up I told Simon of have my father's black coffee with no sugar prepared .A beverage he liked having single everytime he came to my office.

I straightened up my suit and looked around the room to see if there was anything that would fuel my father's anger .I knew he would come in angry ready to tear me apart with his words.

There was a light knock on the door before it swung half open .My trusted assistant held the door open and my father came in .He adorned a dark grey suit with a crisp white shirt and a black tie ,he held in his hand a black voat.On his right wrist was an expensive Audemars Piguet watch .I knew what kind it was because I had the same watch though I wasn't wearing it that day.

Father always told me 'a powerful man does not rely only on his phone to tell the time'.

Simon took his coat and hung it up on the coat stand then left to bring the man his coffee .My father strutted over to the coach and took a sit not saying a single word to me .He is not a man of many words but when he talks,boy does he talk.

My personal assistant brought the beverage and placed on the table for my father .He looked at me as if asking if I needed anything else.

"Simon,you may go."I stated and the boy left closing the door behind him leaving me alone with the beast where there would be no witnesses of my murder .Taking the deepest of breaths I went and sat on the coach across the one my dad was on.

"Father."The silence was terrifying and if I did not break it,it would break me.

"Son."He responded .His face was void of emotions but his eyes grey eyes burned with anger .I gulped .I was ashamed of myself so much,how could I,Damon Anthony Stark be scared?



"Don't tell me that you came into town just to say one word to me father."I spoke up finally growing a pair.

"Damon,"he took a deep breath probably to calm himself the next went on,"when you took over the New York branch did I or did I not give you an office?"

Long ago I learnt an important thing about my father .Do not interrupt him when he is speaking.

"I gave you the whole f*cking building .If you wanted a different office you could have just picked one from the seventy five floor .Seventy five floors and you choose to stay in an office four f*cking miles from the actual BUILDING."He raised his voice at me making me flinch.

He took another sip of his drink and opened his mouth to continue his reprimand but was interrupted by the ringing of his iPhone .He pulled the thing out of his pocket,answered and began speaking.

"Ok,fifteen minutes."That's all he said before the call ended and he slipped back into his pocket.

"Thanks to you my whole morning has gone to waste .Your mother and I are having brunch as she calls it with a friend and I must go .We shall meet tomorrow at the real office and you will tell me how you planned to run a company from half across town I also want to make sure you haven't made any other mistakes."He took his coat from the stand the looked back at me ."The coffee was cold."off course it was.

That went better than I thought it would.

The man ruined my mood ,I was happier an hour before now I was just frustrated .He was to come the following day and I needed to be mentally prepared .The company was actually doing well so I just had to make sure people were looking shaper than always the next day .No one could afford to f*ck up when I was there let alone when my father was present.

Why can't that man just trust the decisions I make?

Sure moving offices wasn't the best of ideas for the company but I have other ones.

I sat back on the coach and let out the breath I did not know I was holding in.

Things were quiet for a while and I had gone back to work when there was yet another knock on the door .It opened up to reveal the one person and only person I wanted to see.

The Brazilian beauty walked up to me and gave me a warm smile .It was as if she was walking in slow motion because it felt like thousands of years before she was standing next to me.

"Good morning,"she greeted me .She yelped out of surprise when I grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto my lap.

"Good morning beautiful,"I replied .Her cheeks reddened and she looked down shy."Look at me."I told her and she did as I said .Her gaze fell on my lips and stayed there till she shook her head and looked away.

"Kiss me."I ordered and her lips fell on mine .We broke apart breathless .Her chest was heaving fast and I wanted to rip off her dress and bury myself in between her breasts .Her dress tormented me,it mocked me.

"Was that man that just left your dad?"She quired me fixing my shirt collar that had been messed up during the intense kiss we just had .I replied with a 'yes'.She gave me a sympathetic look.

"How much did you hear?"I knew by the look on her face that she must have heard him reprimand me.

"Enough ."She played with my hair .I love it when she does that."Don't worry we are like the only ones on this floor since my dad is still Indonesia .I hope you don't mind me asking but why did you take an office here?"

"Because I wanted to be close to you,"I stroked her silky hair."plus my being here does not affect how I run the company."

"I think you should just go to your office,the first one."

"Are you trying to get rid off me?"

"Of course not.I will still be here.Plus your father won't bother you about being here."

"Ok...I will but remember,you are mine whether am here or not."I said gently squeezing her hand.

"Yes I am yours."


Due to personal problems(boarding school) this book has been put on hold till furthef notice.I hope you like it.

I love you guys so much.

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