5.Coming clean

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How was it supposed to tell Andrea my true identity?She would dump me on the spot for lying to her and if she didn't her father would have my head.Sebastian Castro is not a man you joke with unless you have a death wish or something of the sorts.It had been a week since she and I last met but we were still in touch,talking on phone,texting,those sort of things and I still hadn't told her.

I was digging myself a deeper hole.Layering the lies to form a lasagna of deceit.'Lasagna of deceit' I heard that on some TV show.

I spent hours no days thinking of a way to come clean and convince her to forgive me.The lie was killing me,I couldn't eat,I couldn't sleep.The more I got to know and care about her the guiltier I felt about lying to.

In my life I had done a lot of lying and felt almost nothing but this was completely different for some reason.I thought it would be easier.It wasn't.Not at all easy.

After countless hours of brainstorming in my office I finally found a solution.I needed to break the news to her slowly and ease her into it and make sure that she thought about it and considered forgiving me.So I would have to force her into thinking about it.Force is a strong word but it may be the right word.

Upon finding the solution to my canandrum I called her that same afternoon.My lie was so perfectly spun that I had even gotten another phone and it was put under the name Trey Williams so that her caller Id would give me away.Am guessing she wasn't busy because she picked up right away.

"Hey Trey " her voice was as beautiful as always but I hated her calling me 'Trey' it only reminded me of what I was doing.At that moment I loath myself.

"Hey beautiful.I miss you."No lie there,i missed her so much.Her touch,the kisses,everything.I was like she was some drug that I had gotten hooked"You free?"



"Ummh yeah but I can't just walk out of the office right now.People already critise me because my dad is the boss leaving work early would make things so much worse " I suddenly felt so over protective of her,like beating up whoever was criticising her.But I knew how much she didn't like people being protective of her all because if her father and brothers.Oh yeah she has brothers and I knew one of them,Alexander.So I didn't say anything about it.

"Well what time can I pick you up?"

"In an hour"

"Half an hour " I negotiate.

"Forty five minutes that the best I can give you"

"Deal.Call you when I arrive"


After that I called chauffeurs and made sure he had brought Lexi.Lexi is blue 2017 Lamborghini Huracan.

I had recently purchased the car as a present to myself after successfully taking over Shmitt Enterprises.It is what Stark Industries does;buying small companies and building them up.But Stark Oil is the only company I hadn't bought it's part of the family business.My father began it more than thirty years ago now my brother,Jayden and I were running all the companies together even though he lives in London.

At four thirty I went to pick up Andrea.It occurred to me that walking into the building would put me at risk of bumping into her father so I packed across the street from the building.I texted Andrea.

I'm here.Across the street.

Be down in a second

In a few minutes I spotted her walking out she hadn't seen me.She only did when I crossed the busy Street. The minute I was close to her I pulled her in and our lips locked.We both pulled away breathless after a few minutes."God I missed you " I said breathlessly."come on " I took her small hand in my big on and pulled her towards my car.

"Wow...how many cars do you have?"She asked as I opened the car door for her.

"All your questions will be answered soon enough " I closed the door and got to the other side.

At first I drove slowly but as the traffic began reducing my speed increased.We were approaching the outskirts of New York City.The wind was making Andrea's gorgeous hair flow and it was quite the sight as she tried to move the stray hairs on her face.

"So...how was your day?"I asked facing her but soon turned to face the clear road.

"Good yours?"

"It was good"

We talked for a long time till the road had trees on both sides of it.Trees in the city were very rare but if you drove for a while you would find some small forests.The evergreen trees were beautiful.

"This place is amazing."I pulled over on the side of the road and got out to open the door for my girl.

She loved the place.She was really mesmerised,I noticed as she touched the bark of the eucalyptus trees in the area.Then she spoke"People should plant more trees in the city,don't you think?"

"Yeah " I was leaning on the car.

"It's really pretty,isn't it?"She said looking at me as she got closer to me.

"I can think of someone prettier" I lifted her chin with my fingers. She blushed and bit her bottom lip when she understood what I meant making me want her more.I wanted to take right there and then.I pulled her in and she let go of her lip.I lightly brushed my lips against hers and planted a kiss on her.

My fingers played with the hem of her baige pencil skirt as they made their way up and under it.She ran her fingers through my hair,I let out a groan of approval.My hands tightly gripped her hips and she let out a breathy moan.I bit her bottom lip before trailing my lips down her jawline and to her neck where I sucked on her skin slowly and patiently.I licked the side of her neck then nibbled on her ear.

I heard a car pass but didn't stop till Andrea pushed me away.Thankfully we stopped before I did her on the side of the road.

I smirked at the sight of her neck which had a big red mark that I was very proud of.Then I remembered the reason I took her there in the first place.And it was not to make out...well maybe a little.A drive out of the city was perfect since I would tell her,she'd get mad but wouldn't get the opportunity to run away and I wouldn't drive her back till she forgives me.I know it's kind of blackmail but what choice do I have.I need her in my life.

"Look I have to tell you something..."

Here goes nothing...


Cliffhanger I know....

I'll update soon...

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Also I am not that good at writing steamy scenes but I'll improve.With my dirty mind how can I not?

Things will get really interesting from here I promise


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