31.The Stalker's Identity

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"I want to marry Andrea "I claimed whilst getting up from my chair and going around the table.I was done wasting my time with these people.There were more pressing matters at hand I urgently needed to attend to.

The only reason I sat down and had a conversation with the two men was to inform them of my intentions,that's it.Whether Sebastian was for my relationship with his daughter did not matter to me.She was mine and that's all I cared about,the fact that she belonged to me and only me.I don't share.

Honestly I didn't care if these two liked me.The only person I needed to impress was my girlfriend and soon-to-be fiance.

"What did you say?"Asked an stunned Alexander.

Does this man not have ears or is he just really slow?

"I said,I want to marry her."I repeated once again.I was willing to shout it to the world over and over again.

"So your asking for her hand."Stated Alex.

"Not really...I am just telling you of my intentions to become her husband."

"I have had enough of this tomfoolery.Let's make a deal Stark "at last Sebastian spoke
.He had been quite for a while "and this time you won't break it...You will propose to my daughter and if and only if she says yes will I let you marry her.All that matters is that she is happy...though I doubt she will say yes.If she does refuse then you will stay away."

"We have a deal..."I said with my back turned to him.With that I started towards the door,opened it and left.

Andrea was sat on a chair a little far from the board room waiting anxiously.I could tell because she was nibbling on her bottom lip and ran a hand through her dark brown hair.

Soon Sebastian and his son came out of the board room and approached her.There was no doubt he was trying to split us apart.I was about to go there but I received a call from Fred.I had been waiting for this call since morning.

He told me that he had began researching and that he'd have the information by early in the evening.He also said the this man was definitely a resident of New York.

I wanted this man found as soon as possible and I would spare no cost to ensure the safety of the one I love.

By the time I was done talking with Fred Andrew's family had left and she was looking at me.She was already standing in front of me when I hung up.

"You-"I cut her off by smashing my lips on here in a deep kiss.I broke the kiss before I lost all control and took her right there and then in front of everyone.

"Are you ok?"She asked straightening up my patterned tie.

"I am fine...see"I said."now come on let's get your stuff."


"Because you're coming with me.You are not leaving my sight" she opened her mouth to argue then closed it again.She was about to protest again but I spoke before her "there is no arguing with me Andrea,your safety is first priotity."

I spoke sternly to her for the first time.

We went to her office and got her stuff.Downstairs my boardguards and driver waited for us.

We had lunch at a local restaurant.The tabloids did not fail to attend.It was rather difficult to eat as people took pictures of you so we ate in a booth inside the resturant.

Leaving the restaurant proved to be a cumbersome task.Had it not been for the bodyguards we never would have made it through the crowd of paparazzi.

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